China's most advanced electronic warfare fighter jet, the J-16D, made its debut at Airshow China 2021. China independently designed and manufactured the J-16D based on the previous-generation J-16 fighter, aiming to jam enemy radar and erode anti-aircraft systems. The plane...
Noah Friedman
In November 2018, the Russian Defense Ministry said in a statement that it had tested its Su-57 fighter jet in Syria "to confirm the declared capabilities of the newest aircraft in a real combat situation." According to the ministry, Su-57 crews performed more than 10 flights in Syria, bu...
The J-20 fighter jet,representing the most advanced technological achievements of China, (4) has been(be) a superstar since it was first seen flying in 2016.Born to Fly provides everyone with a 360-degree view of the J-20.This is the first movie in history (5) ...
The Marines have reactivated a fighter squadron with a lineage that traces back to Guadalcanal as the first East Coast squadron to fly the Corps’ newest fighter jet. Marine Attack Fighter Squadron 251, or VMFA-251,received its first F-35C Lighting II Joint Strike Fighterin ...
A mock B61-12's strike in the dusty Nevada desert successfully completed the first in a series of flight tests with the U.S. Air Force's newest fighter jet, demonstrating the bomb's first release from an internal bomb bay at greater than the speed of sound. ...
Air Show to Include Newest Fighter Jet; an F-22 Raptor, the Air Force's Newest Fighter Jet That Combines Stealth, Maneuverability and Integrated Avionics, Has Been Added to the Lineup of the Shop 'N Save Westmoreland County International Airshow, Organizers Announced Tuesday. [Derived Headline...
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