Hi! So i’ve been playing sims since I was a kid and it’s probably my top 3 of favorite games. For a while now i’ve gotten used to the game saying something is wrong after every update but a few days ago on the most recent update it said the same thing so I tried the metho...
{"__typename":"ForumTopicMessage","uid":11832970,"subject":"game not launching after newest sims 4 update (7/23/24 BG update)","id":"message:11832970","revisionNum":1,"repliesCount":24,"author":{"__ref":"User:user:3078637"},"readOnly":false},"Conversation:conversation:11...
DFLA - f(x)'s newest member片源:seven翻译:阿暮 崽崽时间轴:莼白压制:七舅姥爷转载请注明krystar-郑秀晶吧 郑秀晶 分享69赞 模拟人生吧 lxysswww 【M吧闲谈】Sims4Cars/BreezeMotors Sim4授权分享(持续更新)简单给大家翻译一下主要内容:你好,亲爱的simmers!你们对我的作品感兴趣是我的荣幸!模拟人生4有很多...
Rec Room支持PlayStation VR和Move控制器(仅限PS4),为您提供身临其境的游戏体验。跨平台游玩涵盖主机、PC、其他虚拟现实头戴设备和移动设备。多种游戏方式,供您与好友尽情游玩。 免费游玩 推荐影片 “Showdown”发行预告片 NBA发布预告片 The Sims 4 这款常青的生活模拟游戏系列现...
Well that's because tone and feeling are not the directions people turn towards games for, more often than not. Or if they do, they're usually just variations on "fun" (with a few major exceptions sometimes like in survival horror or life sims). Roguelikes are called roguelik...
Rec Room支持PlayStation VR和Move控制器(仅限PS4),为您提供身临其境的游戏体验。跨平台游玩涵盖主机、PC、其他虚拟现实头戴设备和移动设备。多种游戏方式,供您与好友尽情游玩。 免费游玩 推荐影片 “Showdown”发行预告片 NB...
Re: The Sims 4 won't open after newest update #11 August 2020 - last edited August 2020 Options DewanBeukes ★ Apprentice @GhostGang360 Hi! You can try to left click on the game, which will then open a screen (shown in the attachment). Then click on the gear-icon (settings) ...
Solved: So origin updated the sims 4 this morning, I know it's the basements and patches but now it won't launch. I click to open it and the icon
Solved: my The Sims 4 did not update nor do I see how I can manually do that. The option is on in origin (update automatically) but le sigh it hasn't
{"__ref":"Forum:board:the-sims-4-technical-issues-pc-en"},"conversation":{"__ref":"Conversation:conversation:11762884"},"subject":"Re: newest patch / update did not happen Sept 5","readOnly":false,"editFrozen":false,"moderationData":{"__ref":"ModerationData:moderation_data:11762886"...