I’m thrilled to be showcasing a fantastic debut sci-fi adventure from Sarah Merrett. I was completely hooked in by the isolated setting of the observatory which Reuben and Grandma call home, and intrigued by just why Rueben was forbidden from venturing beyond the walls of the grounds. Sara...
all the way to World War I, and features Ralph Fiennes as the man who assisted in the founding of The Kingsman society. For those unfamiliar, these movies are actually based on “The Secret Service” comic books by Mark Millar and Dave Gibbons. Following...
ALL Action Adult Adventure Comedy Cooking Doujinshi Drama Ecchi Erotica Fantasy Gender bender Harem Historical Horror Isekai Josei Manhua Manhwa Martial arts Mature Mecha Medical Mystery One shot Pornographic Psychological Romance School life Sci fi Seinen Shoujo Shoujo ai Shounen Shounen ai Slice of life...
or TV shows. These games offer fans an opportunity to interact with their favorite fictional worlds and characters. Whether it's exploring the magical realm of a fantasy book series, unraveling mysteries based on detective novels, or embarking on sci-fi adventures reminiscent of beloved movies, ad...
Long ago, in the fantasy world of Kumandra, humans and dragons lived together in harmony. But when an evil force threatened the land, the dragons sacrificed themselves to save humanity. Now, 500 years later, that same evil has returned and it’s up to a lone warrior, Raya, to track do...
Will Linn currently co-hosts a radio show that he created for the Santa Barbara News-Press called Mythosophia, in which he interviews leading story artists and scholars from such territories as myth and religion, sci-fi and fantasy, visions and dreams, rituals, novels, films, comics, and oth...
Starguard SCI-FI Garage - SCI-FI Garage 6 in 1 kit Reviresco’s 1/64th (28mm) SCI-FI Garage kit is designed to be built over a foam core
From 2002 until 2015 he managed the Dallas Comic Con, Sci-Fi Expo and Fan Days events in the DFW area. He currently catalogs rare comic books and movie memorabilia for Heritage Auctions, and runs the Dallas Comic Show conventions, but remains an avid moviegoer and cinema buff. ...