Having a complete study on the variety of articles lead to have an exactconclusion that COVID-19 is a resistant virus which transmits easily person to person and targets the individual's lung lead tolung failure. There is no exact treatment and even a lucrative vaccine for the virus yet....
advocating for sustained preparedness to avoid future health crises. He highlights the triumphs in vaccine development while pointing out systemic flaws in public health coordination and information dissemination. Fauci warns that neglecting the lessons from COVID-19 could lead to ...
There has been a great deal of discussion among teachers, in school board meetings, among parents, and certainly among students about what we must do, what could happen, whether there is a vaccine around the bend, and more. However, most of us don't know much about viruses, about this ...
摘要 自2019年底以来, 新型冠状病毒感染(COVID-19)继续在全球蔓延, 对世界卫生保健系统构成严峻挑战, 造成严重破坏, 并通过人类接触迅速传播. 这种疾病的主要症状是发烧、 疲劳和持续的干咳, 它威胁到我们全球社会健康系统的平衡. 快速准确诊断新冠肺炎是掌握全球或地区确诊病例数量的前提, 也是疫情评估和制定控制措施...