自2019年底以来, 新型冠状病毒感染(COVID-19)继续在全球蔓延, 对世界卫生保健系统构成严峻挑战, 造成严重破坏, 并通过人类接触迅速传播. 这种疾病的主要症状是发烧、 疲劳和持续的干咳, 它威胁到我们全球社会健康系统的平衡. 快速准确诊断新冠肺炎是掌握全球或地区确诊病例数量的前提, 也是疫情评估和制定控制措施的重要...
(RxWiki News) The number of COVID cases in the US is rising and it is linked to a new dominant Omicron strain. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), this variant is now the most dominant strain of COVID-19 in the US. This new dominant strain is called ...
Despite SpaceX's success at recovering and reusing its rockets, NASA is insisting on brand new boosters from SpaceX for the crew capsule flights. The first-stage booster used Saturday landed on a floating platform in the Atlantic, following liftoff. SpaceX plans to recycle the newly flying cap...
Arch Linux(或 Arch /ˈɑːrtʃ/))是一款基于 x86-64 架构的 Linux发行版 。系统主要由自由和开源软件组成,支持社区参与。系统设计以 KISS原则(保持简单和愚...
from xgboost import plot_importance model_xgb.get_booster().feature_names = ['type_of_travel', 'inflight_wifi_service', 'online_boarding', 'seat_comfort', 'inflight_entertainment', 'on_board_service', 'leg_room_service', 'cleanliness', 'class_business', 'class_eco'] plot_importance(mod...