New Super Mario Bros. Wii, crafted over the span of 3 years by a team of devoted Nintendo fans. Playable legally on any homebrew-enabled Wii; no piracy or hardware mods needed. Download Newer!In Newer, you'll find... 128 all-new levels on a gigantic world map Remixed and original ...
游戏名:Newer Super Mario Bros. Wii V1.3.0 & Special World & Cutland 中文名:《新超级马里奥兄弟Wii:newer》(改版)使用模拟器:Dolphin5.0-16143 游戏资源Q群:446368235 群主为本站UP主 火鸡24BA ,请大家多多支持! 视频为Newer1.3.0改版World 1的全收集流程录像。感谢@约修亚_Lele 在Newer1.3.0版本基础上...
游戏名:Newer Super Mario Bros. Wii V1.3.0 & Special World & Cutland 中文名:《新超级马里奥兄弟Wii:newer》(改版)使用模拟器:Dolphin5.0-16143 游戏资源Q群:446368235 群主为本站UP主 火鸡24BA ,请大家多多支持! 视频为Newer1.3.0改版World 2的全收集流程录像。感谢本站UP主 约修亚_Lele 在Newer1.3.0版本...
World 2-6 is the seventh level of World 2 in Another Super Mario Bros. Wii. World 2-6 is unlocked by completing the normal exit of World 2-4. Completing its normal exit will unlock World 2-, and completing its secret exit will unlock World 2-.
【资源】Newer ..1楼度娘网盘楼主传了7小时:自顶自顶每日一顶自定自顶
Up主为油管子的WiiRikeToPray(即负责Newer的试玩工作的四人) C、D世界由百度超级马里奥贴吧的网友书的智者转载
Video Newer Super Mario Bros Wii - All Castles (2 Player) from ProsafiaGaming channel ¡available at Miniplay! Discover other amazing videos here!
11月08日 漏签0天 newer_super_mari...吧 关注: 0 贴子: 1 目录: 其他 看贴 图片 吧主推荐 本吧吧主火热招募中,点击参加 0 嗨,欢迎来到本吧,您可以在此畅所欲言! 贴吧楼委会 2013-07 贴吧楼委会 7-27 共有主题数1个,贴子数 1篇会员数0 ...
不,用了这个mod后人人有奇观,光是康沃尔 5225545 gba吧 ◆爱因斯坦◆ 发个精品改版 newer mario bro. ds 1.04新超马的改版在wii上很流行,我当时找了一堆改版玩得昏天暗地,觉得最好的就是这个newerteam出品的。今 1608 超级马里奥吧 狂者自知 newer super mario bros wii全收集存档断断续续花了一个月,终于...
NEWER Super Mario Bros. DS Source Code Public ReleasePreambleWe really need to stop putting off releasing the source code in hopes of cleaning it up. Never works. It's a trap.But, well, here it is. This is all the custom code that made it into the game, plus some extras that did ...