纽卡斯尔大学最早可以追溯到成立于1949年的纽卡斯尔师范学院和成立于1951年的纽卡斯尔大学学院(Newcastle University College NUC)。当时建立的纽卡斯尔大学学院是作为新南威尔士理工大学的一个分支而建立的。在学校成立之初,NUC只有五名全日制学生,而且学习局限于工程、数学和科学。在50年代和60年代早期,纽卡素尔当地居民希望...
About Newcastle University Newcastle University exists to advance education and research and to help society tackle the many challenges it faces. As a founding member of the Russell Group of research-intensive Universities, we’ve been working to understand our world since 1834. We push the boundari...
About Newcastle University A Global Top 110 university (QS World University Rankings 2024), Newcastle University is home to over 27,000 students from 145 countries. A founding member of the Russell Group, we have been awarded a 5+ QS Star rating for overall excellence (2023). We can......
纽卡斯尔大学(Newcastle University),坐落于英格兰东北部风景秀丽的泰恩河畔纽卡斯尔,是一所享有盛誉的国立研究型大学,隶属于英国罗素大学集团这一精英联盟。 该校的历史可追溯至1834年的创立之初,当时名为“医学与外科学院”(School of Medicine and Surgery),并于...
Explore courses offered by The University of Newcastle in Australia. Find fee information, admission criteria and required IELTS scores. Apply now!
纽卡斯尔大学(Newcastle University),简称”纽大、NCL“,是位于英国英格兰“八大核心城市”之一的纽卡斯尔市的一所公立综合类大学、罗素集团成员,以及N8大学联盟、欧洲大学协会、英联邦大学协会、英日RENKEI的成员,拥有欧洲顶尖的医学院。此外,纽大也是英国拥有最多欧盟研究项目的大学之一。除在英国纽卡斯尔的本校区外,纽大还...
Explore courses offered by Newcastle University in United Kingdom. Find fee information, admission criteria and required IELTS scores. Apply now!
Explore courses offered by Newcastle University in United Kingdom. Find fee information, admission criteria and required IELTS scores. Apply now!
Newcastle UniversityDestination Newcastle, London Courses Available English Courses, Integrated Undergraduate Degree, International Foundation in Business, International Year One in Business, International Graduate Diploma in Business, Undergraduate, Postgraduate Admission 2025 / 2026 January / SeptemberUniversity...