Newcastle-upon-Tyne Public Libraries Catalogue of the Books in the Central Lending DepartmentNO portion of a book draws more heartfelt commendation or more earnest rebuke from a critic who has read it, not for the purpose of criticising, but for that of using its information, than the index....
University Library Services. 3 Libraries & Online Business Computing Education (Primary) Engineering Law Media Psychology Tourism Design Fine. Did you know? That the Mercy College Libraries website will give you access to Over 22,000 full text journals 45 subject databases Over 30,000 eBooks And....
7pm UK / 8pm CET Join me online for a free listening party to celebrate the release of my award-winning score for Celina Liesegang and Arturo Bandinelli’s experimental short film Viscera. Set in an abandoned hotel on an island in the middle of the Atlantic, Viscera is a dance film expl...
Library servicesLibrariesComputer softwareComputersDescribes how Advance online public access catalogue (OPAC) was introduced to Newcastle University Library in September 1993 and shows how users adapted to this system. Suggests the benefits of the OPAC.doi:10.1108/00242539610107523...