Looking to study at THE UNIVERSITY OF NEWCASTLE COLLEGE OF INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION? Discover courses, entry requirements, tuition fees and more with IDP; your trusted education counsellors!
入学要求:高考 455(Gaokao - Total Score 750) 桥梁课程:高中毕业生通过NIC (Newcastle International College) 入读,进入主课不需要考雅思 Bachelor of Commerce 商务学士: 移民专业,课程时长:3年,学费:$$29,225一年。入读时间:第一学期:2月;第二学期:7月。 您将接触到与行业相关的研究领域,其中包括专门研究...
纽卡斯尔学院 Newcastle College是欧洲最古老和最杰出的高等教育学院和延续教育学院之一。紧随英国一流学院的传统,通过在教育行业的三十多年的经验积累,学院2004年获得英国政府教育质量评定办公室“OFSTEDE” “综合排名第一学院”称号。 “Teaching and learning are significantly better than the national picture in almos...
There is also an airport in the city, Newcastle International Airport, which flies internationally, regionally and commercially. Universities in the City There are two universities in the city, Newcastle University and Northumbria University. Newcastle University was established in 1834 as School of Medi...
网络纽卡斯尔学院;英国纽卡斯尔学院;英国大学基础课程 网络释义
纽卡斯尔学院现已成为大学中心(Newcastle College-University Center),与英国众多名校建立了密切的合作关系,开设了从英语语言到硕士以及职业培训等门类广泛的课程,学生可以在本校完成本科学位课程跟MBA课程,毕业后获得利兹城市大学颁发的本科学位证书和Wales大学颁发的MBA硕士学位证书。在纽卡斯尔学院完成全部学位课程比在其他大...
纽卡斯尔大学(Newcastle University),简称纽大,是位于英国英格兰东北部的世界一流研究型大学,是世界排名前1%的著名大学,英国顶尖学府。纽卡斯尔大学是英国著名的罗素大学集团,N8大学联盟的成员,长久以来被认为是英国最好的二十所大学之一,是英国著名老牌大学,其历史悠久,拥有欧洲最顶尖的医学院,同时该校在科学、工程、法学...
are registered trademarks of the college board. used with permission. international baccalaureate (ib) data provided by international baccalaureate of north america. used with permission. my fit score looking for your perfect college? enter your preferences and profile information, and we'll show...
They have 15 different prospectuses giving them an opportunity to show what the college has to offer to prospective students. Keeping in mind that there are international students, they have commissioned 20,000 prospectuses for international students....