Blood (血液系统) Vit K deficiency(缺乏) routine treatment: intramuscular injection (肌肉注射)of Vit K after birth * * 正常足月儿和早产儿的特点及护理 Ⅳ. Special reflexes(特殊神经反射) rooting reflex(觅食反射) sucking reflex(吸吮反射) palmer grasping reflex(握持反射) moro reflex(拥抱反射) * *...
beginning simultaneously with the first injection of Ferroglucinum, including it in the feeding scheme for 4 days, and Gamavit intramuscularly once a day in the morning 0.05 ml/kg for 4 days, beginning simultaneously with Ferroglucinum and Krezacin.;EFFECT: use of the claimed method for corr...
111 atltlitioll to the 11t<; rise, tllesc ;l(lrcnergic stimuli delivery ;~nclirnnletfi;~tccorcl cutting. 13lootl w~nlllc\\vcrc \vitli- illhil)it IItI sccrrtiorl, thcrc.l)y favorillg lipol~sis,glycogcnolysis, dratr.11;11 15-nlin interv;~lscommencing 15 min I>cfore ilcli...
A t birth. the pups \vitli l U G l I had a lo\vcr rnc;!n liver \vcight a s cor~iparcdto their control litterniatcs (0.15 t 0.06 vcrsu\ 0 . 2 s g 2 0 . 0 4 . rcspectivcly. I' < 0.001). \t \\ciglit diffcrcricc I lypoglyce~iii;il~l liunian fetuses has llc...
0.08 ml/kg for the third injection, and the intramuscular injections of gamavit 0.018 ml/kg once a day for eight days starting with the first injection of ferroglucin.;EFFECT: method allows to prevent vascular complications in newborn calves with anaemia, to optimise microcirculation and tissue...
Intern J Vit Nutr Res 47:394 – 401 40. Burri PH, Dbaly J, Weibel ER 1973 The postnatal growth of the rat lung. Anat Rec 178:711–730 41. Blanco LN, Massaro GD, Massaro D 1989 Alveolar dimensions and number: developmental and hormonal regulation. Am J Physiol 257:L240 –L247 42...
Gamavit is injected intramuscularly in dosage 0.02 ml/kg once a day for six days running, beginning from the first injection of phosprenyl.;EFFECT: method allows considerably reducing risk of thrombotic complications, improving a herd, by improving tissue trophism and as consequence, accelerating ...
Cardiac output was measured using left atrial injection of 4 ml oficcd (0-3" C) saline and abdominal aorta sampling (10). Injectate temperature was measured directly. Cardiac output measurements were made with an American Edwards Labora- tories cardiac output computer, model COMl (Oxnard, CA)...
beginning simultaneously with the first injection of Ferroglucinum, including it in the feeding scheme for 4 days, and Gamavit intramuscularly once a day in the morning 0.05 ml/kg for 4 days, beginning simultaneously with Ferroglucinum and Krezacin.;EFFECT: use of the claimed method for corr...
and the intramuscular injections of gamavit 0.02 ml/kg once a day for five days running together with the first injection of ferroglucin.;EFFECT: method allows to normalise thrombin time in newborn calves and piglets with anaemia in 4 days after the termination of treatment to be brought clos...