Frenotomy for tongue-tie in newborn infants. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2017 11;3:CD011065.O'Shea JE, Foster JP, O'Donnell CP, Breathnach D, Jacobs SE, Todd DA, et al. Frenotomy for tongue‐tie in newborn infants. The Cochrane Library 2014....
that permits tasting and facilitates the process of mastication and communication. The blood supply of the tongue originates from the external carotid artery, and the innervation is through cranial nerves.Lips and Tongue: Anatomyand the extent of protrusion to look forankyloglossia(“tongue-tie”)....
Requires surgery Pits/Tags of the ears Common finding; usually benign May be associated with genetic conditions/SNHL/Kidney problems, but will usually have other symptoms Ankyloglossia Tongue tie; frenulum connects underside of tongue to floor of mouth and limits tongue movement ...
Unlike other species in the nature, the human offspring and the birthing mother are protected institutionally by the whole society. This protection has to be in line with the natural rules and laws as much as possible in order to preserve natural evoluti
Frenotomy for tongue-tie in newborn infants. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2017 11;3:CD011065.O'Shea JE, Foster JP, O'Donnell CP, Breathnach D, Jacobs SE, Todd DA, et al. Frenotomy for tongue‐tie in newborn infants. The Cochrane Library 2014....
Objectives: A programme was introduced in Canterbury, New Zealand to evaluate the diagnosis and treatment of frenulum releases in newborn infants with suspected tongue-tie (ankyloglossia). The primary goals were to support breastfeeding and ensure that unnecessary surgery was avoided....