Values are mean ± SEM. 1), after exchange transfusion (day 2), and at sacrifice (days 11–12). Only the animals in positive iron balance (5 mg/kg/d group) showed an increase in mean hemoglobin over the phlebotomy period. The 10 lambs receiving no iron gained weight slower than ...
Keywords: newborn screening; dried blood spots; cut-off values; CLIR; second-tier DNA testing; outcome 1. Introduction An application for an expanded newborn screening (eNBS) program in Norway was presented to the Norwegian Directory of Health in 2006. Following a Health Technology Assessment ...
Data from our lab has previously described an overall allele frequency of 45% for this variant in Puerto Ricans [18], and the present study confirms this report (MAF = 46%, Table 1). The clinical significance of this polymorphism resides on the potential association of the gene product with...
2021, 7, 36 4 of 15 employ cutoff values based on gestational age and/or birth weight. The cutoff values were determined according to a pilot study of serum 17αOHP levels in full-term and preterm infants. As a representative screening system in Japan, the algorithm and criteria for the ...
". . . I think spreading out those appointments would be helpful and just going to the lab, but then just doing a virtual visit for the results."—Study participant "I mean, you can't see PKU. It's in their blood, it's in their body, so he doesn't really need to be ...