8. For the Duration (Books 5-8: Part 42-57) Tomie dePaola's stories from the momentous year his family built their new house at 26 Fairmount Avenue highlight his wit, sense of humor, and strong family bonds. The book earned raves from reviewers of all ages and a Newbery Honor award...
题目 材料纽伯瑞儿童文学奖历史悠久,至今已成功举办99届。 每年颁发金奖(Newbery Medal Award)一部、 银奖(Newbery Honor Books)一部或数部, 专门奖励上一年度出版的英语儿童文学优秀作品。 多年来,它给全世界的孩子们带来了无数美妙动人的故事,对美国乃至全世界的儿童文学的发展都有着极大的影响。2019年纽伯瑞颁发...
材料纽伯瑞儿童文学奖历史悠久,至今已成功举办99届。每年颁发金奖(Newbery Medal Award)一部、银奖(Newbery Honor Books)一部或数部,专门奖励上一年度出版的英语儿童文学优秀作品。多年来,它给全世界的孩子们带来了无数美妙动人的故事,对美国乃至全世界的儿童文学的发展都有着极大的影响。2019年纽伯瑞颁发了1金2银,...
每年颁发金奖(Newbery Medal Award)一部、银奖(Newbery Honor Books)一部或数部。首届金奖由房龙的《人类的故事》获得。这一奖项设立以来,获奖作品的规模和水准,已是举世公认的事实。 纽伯瑞奖作品代表了当今世界英语儿童文学非常高级别的水平,是国外孩子的必...
4.NewberyHonor Books银奖;纽伯瑞银牌奖;一部;纽伯瑞 5.ChantelleNewbery纽贝里;纽贝利;尚特勒纽伯里 6.JohnNewberyMedal纽伯瑞儿童文学奖;纽伯瑞奖;美国纽伯瑞金牌奖;童文学奖 7.NewberyMedal award纽伯瑞纪念奖;纽伯瑞金牌奖 8.JorgeNewberyAirport机场;布宜诺斯艾利斯机场 ...
★纽伯瑞银牌奖(Newbery Honor Award)得奬作者作品 ★美国图书馆协会优良儿童图书(ALA Notable Children’s Book)得奬作 …www.pcstore.com.tw|基于55个网页 2. 纽伯瑞银奖 ...lla Enchanted》曾获得 1998 年「纽伯瑞银奖 (Newbery Honor Award)」,也曾被改编为电影,销量超过一百万册;故事描述 Ell…www.eslite....
Bristol Author Kimberly Brubaker Bradley Wins Newbery Honor Award"The War That Saved My Life" (Dial Books) is a Newbery Honor bookby Bristol, Tenn., children's...Kristin O'Donnell Tubb
预售 英文原版 The Book of Boy: A Newbery Honor Award Winner 男孩之书 预售图书,下单付款后180天内发货 作者:MURDOCK, CATHERINE GILBERT出版社:Greenwillow Books出版时间:2020年05月 手机专享价 ¥ 当当价 降价通知 ¥58.00 配送至 福建厦门市 至 北京市东城区 服务 由“外图台湾书店”发货,并提供...
Intended for use by teachers, librarians, and parents, this guide analyzes Newbery Award Medal and honor winning books (1977 through 1984) for sexism. Following a statement of criteria, established by the American Library Association concerning the type of book that should receive the medal and ho...
award has been sending a message of greater inclusion, expanded possibilities, and more openhearted love. Starting this very moment, each one of us can begin or continue to make choices with inclusion, justice, and equity front of mind, whatever our role in the world of children’s books....