We’ll ask you for the following as a New Zealand visitor visa checklist: A current passport that is valid for at least six months upon arrival. Arrival and departure dates. Credit/debit card or PayPal account. You also need a valid email address where you’ll get the ETA. Keep in ...
If you are a New Zealand citizen travelling to the U.S., you will likely find the visa process reasonably simple. New Zealand residents, on the other hand, will have to travel using their issuing country passport, which will determine what type of visa is required. Let’s take a deeper ...
NewZealand访问签证申请表.PDF 请致电来安排取件: (138)087-11010 或者访问我们的办公室 VisaHQ.cn 工人体育场北路八号院 三里屯SOHO写字楼A 座11层 B1186室 北京, BEI 100027 New Zealand 访问签证申请表 输入您的联络方式 名称: 电子邮件: 电话: 移动: 您最晚需要您的护照返回给您日期以便可以及时旅行: ...
A Parent/Grandparent visitor visa is a three-year multiple entry visitor visa for parents or grandparents of New Zealand citizens or residents. It allows you to stay for a maximum of six months in each visit, up to a total of 18 months over three years. To apply, you must provide polic...
visa are allowed to stay in New Zealand for a maximum of four years. During their stay, they can work part-time, for twenty hours a week, and full time during the holidays. After the visa expires, a student can apply for a visitor visa and can stay for a maximum of another three ...
Checklist for New Zealand to Canada Travel It’s a long trip to get to Canada. Make sure you check off some of these things before you board your flight: Carry extra copies of your travel documents, like your visa and passport. You can also have digitised copies on your smartphone. ...
Guardians of a student visitor visa checklistPDF 732KB Partners and dependent children If you are the partner or dependent child of a New Zealand citizen or resident, or of someone who holds a work or student visa in New Zealand, you may apply for a visitor visa to join them. You need ...
inzimmigrationzealandvisa移民局visitor OFFICE USE ONLY Client no.: Date received: / / Application no.: Visitor Visa Application INZ 1017 for a temporary stay in New Zealand For further information on immigration visit .immigration.govt.nz July 2013 Refer to the Visitor Visa Guide The Visitor Visa...
VFS Taiwan CHECKLIST CHILDREN ADOPTED OVERSEAS BEFO RE THEIR NEW ZEALAN D CITIZENSHIP IS CONFIRMED 紐西蘭公民身份被確認前的海外被領養的子女 If you are applying to visit New Zealand this checklist can be used together w ith the checklist on the application form (INZ1017). 此須知適用於 申...
zealandendorsementcitizenimmigrationnewchecklist IMMIGRATIONNEWZEALANDSINGAPORE.immigration.govt.nz/singapore(http:\/\/.immigration.govt.nz\/singapore)NZCITIZENENDORSEMENTCHECKLISTUpdatedon17November2014ApplicationsaretobelodgedattheNewZealandVisitorApplicationCentre(VAC)inSingapore.Informati...