No, once your New Zealand visa application is rejected, you just can’t appeal for reconsideration of your previous application. The New Zealand immigration doesn’t allow an appeal. Here is the quote from the same email attachment: “Under section 186 of the Immigration Act of 2009, there i...
通过ImmigrationONLINE申请访问签证 LOGIN RealMe WhatisRealMe? Studentvisa LoginheretoapplyonlineforyourStudentvisa.Ifyouhaven'tgot anaccount,youcancreateonehere. LOGINorCREATEACCOUNT RealMe WhatisRealMe? Workvisa LoginheretoapplyonlineforyourWorkvisa.Ifyouhaven'tgotan ...
Generally to qualifyyou’ll need to have 100,000 NZD to invest in your new company, and score 120 points or more on the New Zealand immigration points based assessment. There are a few situations in which the investment requirement may be reduced or waived - including if you have a particu...
New Zealand Apply Now! You have probably heard that when you want to apply for a New Zealand visa, you need to set up an account with RealMe. Even the government site of New Zealand makes it a requirement if you want to apply for the visa using their website. But what is RealMe and...
After obtaining all necessary paperwork, the applicant must decide whether to apply online or print a form and mail it to Immigration New Zealand. Applying online is a quicker and easier process. For Online visa application process, applicants must register for a RealMe account or log in. Next...
Limitations: The Visitor Visa allows you to stay for up to 9 months in New Zealand. This visa also allows you to STUDY for up to 3 months. However, you are NOT ALLOWED TO WORK in New Zealand. IMPORTANT NOTE: As of January 2018, Immigration New Zealand has started granting electronic v...