Moving can be exciting, but setting up a new life requires a lot of organisation. Here is a quick checklist of things to remember when moving from New Zealand to Australia: Identify the correct visa. New Zealand citizens and permanent residents have different visa options and pathways to Austra...
NewZealand访问签证申请表.PDF,请致电来安排取件: (138)087-11010 或者访问我们的办公室 工人体育场北路八号院 三里屯SOHO写字楼A 座11层 B1186室 北京, BEI 100027 New Zealand 访问签证申请表 输入您的联络方式 名称: 电子邮件: 电话: 移动: 您最晚需要您的护照
That’s why we’ve created a New Zealand packing list and a guide on what to wear in New Zealand. You can also download and print this New Zealand packing checklist. New Zealand Packing List Essentials Waterproof Phone Case – New Zealand is a place of extreme adventures, photo-worthy land...
Canada Visa for New Zealand Residence Permit holders Non-citizens with a New Zealand residence permit must travel on their issuing country’s passport and can’t apply for the Canada eTA. You can, however, apply for a Canadian visa for the type of stay you intend to have. The visa-issuing...
S.Laska New Zealand, and larger southwest Pacific islands comes from casual visi Learn more Application for Transfer or Confirmation of a Visa INZ 1023 New Zealand Citizen Endorsement Application (INZ 1174). Send your application to your nearest Immigration What evidence should you...
飞出国:中国护照持有者去新西兰探亲,旅游需要申请访问签证,可以在线申请也可以在签证处理中心纸质申请,大陆申请一般一次不超过6个月。新西兰访问签证一次可以呆多久 Duration – New Zealand Visitors and tourists。 申请旅游签证 Applying for a visitor visa
Guardians of a student visitor visa checklistPDF 732KB Partners and dependent children If you are the partner or dependent child of a New Zealand citizen or resident, or of someone who holds a work or student visa in New Zealand, you may apply for a visitor visa to join them. You need ...
Get an instant online quote. Trusted for 25 years, our revolutionary MoveCube® makes international removals to New Zealand from Hong Kong simple.
A Note About Opening a Bank About with a Working Holiday Visa from Overseas Some banks in New Zealand will no longer allow those with a working holiday visa to open a bank account prior to arriving in New Zealand. Exceptions may be made on a case-by-case basis, so you will have to ...
VFS Taiwan CHECKLIST CHILDREN ADOPTED OVERSEAS BEFO RE THEIR NEW ZEALAN D CITIZENSHIP IS CONFIRMED 紐西蘭公民身份被確認前的海外被領養的子女 If you are applying to visit New Zealand this checklist can be used together w ith the checklist on the application form (INZ1017). 此須知適用於 申...