This chapter includes data on the income taxes paid by workers, their social security contributions, the family benefits they receive in the form of cash transfers as well as the social security contributions and payroll taxes paid by their employers. Results reported include the marginal and ...
Attitudes to tax are changing. Organisations of all sizes are ever more exposed to new trends in tax regulation, not just locally but globally.
Tipping in New Zealand is not obligatory, even in restaurants and bars. However, tipping for good service or kindness is at the discretion of the visitor. Hotels and restaurants in New Zealand do not add service charges to their bills. Back to the top Goods and Services Tax (GST) ...
[Explore the top universities in New Zealand.] The Kiwi spirit and culture are personified by such notable natives as Sir Edmund Hillary who first climbed Mount Everest in 1953 and Lord Rutherford, who split the atom. The bungee jump, Hamilton Jet boat, referee’s whistle and frozen meat are...
The New Zealand Government introduced new draft tax legislation on 26 August that primarily contains amendments aimed at clarifying the law and reducing compliance costs for taxpayers. The changes include new standardized tax relief measures that can be
New Zealand tax refund services New Zealand tax refunds Have you ever worked in New Zealand? If so, you could be due a big tax refund. The average tax refund from New Zealand is NZ$550 so it’s well worth checking what you’re owed. ...
Advantages of New Zealand as a Tax Haven In the 2014 Index of Economic Freedom, New Zealand was ranked 5th in the world and has been rated one of the world's five freest economies every year since 2007. New Zealand is recognized as a premium offshore jurisdiction for the following reasons...
New Zealand Inland Revenue Number (IRD) Number To work in New Zealand, you will need a New Zealand Tax Number – called an Inland Revenue Department (IRD) number. Without an IRD number you will pay tax at the emergency rate of 48%. The Visa First NZ Taxsaver Pack gives you step-by...
The Australian tax year for most businesses ends on June 30. However, it is possible to apply for a substituted accounting period (SAP) that varies the year-end to coincide with the financial year of a foreign parent company.
Important notice(2024-11-05) Individual Customer Foreign Exchange 2024 Promotion(2024-07-15) Scheduled payment system maintenance for the weekend of 4th May to 5th May(2024-05-01) ICBC PAY Cashback Promotion(2024-04-22) Individual Customer Foreign Exchange 2024 Chinese New Year Promotion(2024-...