New ZealandseamountsThe physical, biological, and oceanographic characteristics of seamounts of the New Zealand region of the South Pacific Ocean are poorly known. The aim of this study was to present a synopsis of the physical characteristics of seamounts within the region, and to present a ...
Quality in New Zealand-grown onion bulbs-A survey of chemi- cal and physical characteristics. N.Z. J. Expt. Agr. 16:279-285.Lancaster, J. E.; Reay, P. F.; Mann, J. D.; Bennett, W. D.; Sedcole,J. R. Quality in New Zealand-grown onion bulbs-A survey of chemical and ...
新西兰概况01OverviewofNewZealand 01新西兰概况OverviewofNewZealand新西兰位于太平洋南部,面积27万平方公里,是大洋洲面积第三大的国家,行政上划分为16个大区、1个查塔姆群岛领地、1个域外领土。查塔姆群岛领地由查塔姆群岛议会管辖,域外领地是不在地方政府管辖范围内的离岛,包括克马德克群岛、三王群岛及亚南极群岛。在世界...
A survey on the characteristics of the New Zealand log trucking fleet : a dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree o... A survey on the characteristics of the New Zealand log trucking fleet : a dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements...
New ZealandDichichthys sp., a shark from the same genus as the new species. Scientists Unveil the Roughback Bristle Shark William T. White and his team of researchers described the distinct characteristics of the roughback bristle shark through meticulous examination of its size, colouring, ...
Long‐term consequences of topsoil mining on select biological and physical characteristics of two New Zealand loessial soils under grazed pasture Soil chemical, biochemical, biological and structural properties were measured in two New Zealand loessial soils that were topsoil-mined 10 and 25 years ...
The objective was to determine whether a model based on soil organic matter (SOM) and mineral characteristics (clay content, extractable iron (Fe) and aluminium (Al)) would be adequate to estimate the buffer capacities of New Zealand soils. We measured pH changes in 34 soils, representing a ...
Common namesEn.–New Zealand or Hooker’s sea lion; Sp.–lobo marino de Nueva Zelanda;Fr.–lion de mer de Nouvelle-Zélande. Taxonomic informationCarnivora,Otariidae. Species characteristicsNew Zealand sea lionsare large, heavy-bodied and sexually dimorphic. Adult males are 1.2–1.5 times longer...
C. 1961 . A survey of some physical properties of New Zealand soils from grey-wacke parent material. N.Z. Journal of Agricultural Research , 4: 141–176. [Taylor & Francis Online]McDonald, D. C. 1961: A survey of some physical properties of New Zealand soils from grey- wacke parent ...
Watt, J. C. 1973 . Characteristics and relationships of the New Zealand insect fauna. New Zealand entomologist , 5: 244–246. [Taylor & Francis Online]Characteristics and relationships of the New Zealand insect fauna. The N.Z. Entomologist , 5: 244–6....