1.(Placename) Australia, New Zealand, and neighbouring islands in the S Pacific Ocean 2.(Placename) (loosely) the whole of Oceania Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 20...
The main opposition parties to the National government were Labour (the official opposition), led by Jacinda Ardern, the Green Party, and New Zealand First. 國民政府的主要反對黨是由綠黨賈森達·阿德恩(Jacinda Ardern)和紐西蘭第一党。 LASER-wikipedia2 ...
Phil Rudd, drummer of Australian rock band AC/DC, has changed his plea to guilty on a charge of a threat to kill, at a court in Tauranga, New Zealand. The court heard he was unhappy about his album’s launch party and asked for a former employee to be “taken out”. He had previ...
New Democratic Party leadership election, 2012***doi:10.2307/1952244instantrunoff votingAmerican Political Science Association
2013-11-01 Support for new payment gateways: eWay (Australia+New Zealand+UK) and CM-CIC (France). 2013-10-29 A new extension available in the Planyo Store lets you embed the Planyo back end into your own website. This way even the administrators/moderators don't need to leave your web...
Kamala Harris won here. But just barely in a place not considered a swing state in national elections. 9h agoBrent Johnson 'Trump has groomed us,’ says civil rights leader N.J. women ‘devastated’ by Kamala Harris defeat. But they’re not surprised. ...
(TA,levels=TA)) %>% ggplot(aes(x=proportion_national,y=TA,size=total_votes))+geom_point()+scale_x_continuous("Proportion voting National Party",label=percent)+scale_size("Number of\nvotes cast",label=comma)+labs(y="",title="Voting in the New Zealand 2017 General Election by ...
His Wikipedia entry states that, “De Casseres described himself as an individualist anarchist, and as such he was both a strong advocate of capitalism and a frequent critic of socialism.”[3] Once known as “the greatest unpublished author in America,” Casseres found a patron, described by ...
When it came to the reward, the sage said he wanted only one grain of corn for the first square on the chess board, double for the second square, double that for the third and so on. King Kaid was shocked and offered to pay him much, much more…. until his treasurer came back wit...
When it came to the reward, the sage said he wanted only one grain of corn for the first square on the chess board, double for the second square, double that for the third and so on. King Kaid was shocked and offered to pay him much, much more…. until his treasurer came back wit...