The following are examples of menu items from selected countries of Australia and New Zealand. These items have been part of the menu at some stage, and may or may not be still on the menu. McDonalds Drinks McDonald'sNew Zealand Kiwiburger - a hamburger with a fried egg and slice of be...
广告公司: DDB New Zealand , Auckland , USA 创意总监: Paul Catmur 编剧: Paul Catmur 其他职位: Art Director:Pete ThompsonAccount Supervisor:Cassie Lapsley,Scott WallaceAdvertisers Supervisor:Ian SutcliffeTypographer:Grant AllenPhotographer:Paul Ashley案例详情 涵盖全球100万精选案例,涉及2800个行业,...
Fast forward to the present day and New Zealand rugby teams are recognised as the world standard. The men’s New Zealand national rugby union team is known as theAll Blacksand they’re the most successful team in the history of international rugby. They’re the only team to have never los...
车路德酒庄(Church Road Winery)位于新西兰(New Zealand)霍克斯湾(Hawkes Bay)葡萄酒产区。 车路德酒庄发展历史可追溯至20世纪20年代。那时,斯坦梅茨(Steinmetz)回到了他的出生地卢森堡(Luxembourg),将其酒庄交给了年仅19岁的汤姆·麦克唐纳(Tom McDonald)。麦克唐纳之后收购了这个酒庄,并开始在新西兰出产首款优质红葡...
Fast food (think McDonald’s) – 15 NZD Beer – 10 NZD Glass of wine – 9-15 NZD Cappuccino/latte- 5-6 NZD Bottled water – 2 NZD Groceries for a week – 120-170 NZD New Zealand Suggested Budgets Backpacker – 125 NZD Per Day On this budget, you’ll stay in hostel dorms, eat...
Find the best local price for Rod McDonald Wines 'One-Off' Cabernet - Merlot, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand. Avg Price (ex-tax) US$17 / 750ml. Find and shop from stores and merchants near you.
车路德酒庄(Church Road Winery)位于新西兰(New Zealand)霍克斯湾(Hawkes Bay)葡萄酒产区。 车路德酒庄发展历史可追溯至20世纪20年代。那时,斯坦梅茨(Steinmetz)回到了他的出生地卢森堡(Luxembourg),将其酒庄交给了年仅19岁的汤姆·麦克唐纳(Tom McDonald)。麦克唐纳之后收购了这个酒庄,并开始在新西兰出产首款优质红葡...
FAST food giant McDonald's said Monday it was aware of a New Zealand woman's allegation she found a half-eaten cockroach in a hamburger bought at one of its South Island restaurants. Annah Sophia Stevenson told Fairfax New Zealand that she bought a Big Mac meal on Saturday night then fou...
关于“车路德酒庄麦当劳玛泽米诺红葡萄酒(Church Road McDonald Series Marzemino, Hawkes Bay, New Zealand) ”的酒款综述 这是一款来自新西兰霍克斯湾产区的红葡萄酒,出自车路德酒庄。该酒庄是新西兰最古老的酒庄之一,也是霍克斯湾最早开始酿制高品质波尔多混酿风格葡萄酒的酒庄之一。这款酒呈深宝石红色,散发出香甜的...
关于“车路德酒庄麦当劳霞多丽白葡萄酒(Church Road McDonald Series Chardonnay, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand) ”的酒款综述 这是一款来自新西兰霍克斯湾的白葡萄酒,采用霞多丽酿造而成。这款酒散发出柚子、橙花和少许雪松的香气,并伴随着一丝矿物的微妙气息,口感清新独特,酸度爽脆,余味持久且带有坚果风味。 猜...