1New Zealand is in the southern part of the Pacific Ocean. The total land area of New Zealand is268,680 'km2. It is less than that of Japan, and slightly larger than Colorado in the USA. New Zeal-and is made up of two main islands and a number of smaller islands. The South Islan...
New Zealand New Zealand is located in the South Pacific, made up of two main islands, with a total land area of 268,021 square kilometres. It is similar in size to Japan or Britain and has a population of 5.2 million. Wellington is the capital city, while Auckland is the most populous...
DNew Zealand is a beautiful island(岛屿)country in the southwestern Pacific Ocean.Let me tell yousomething about New Zealand.SizeIt is a small country near Australia.It is made up of two main islands and a number of smaller islands.Itsland area is about 268,000 square kilometers.Nature①Th...
New Zealand is very mountainous; more than 75 percent of its land exceeds an altitude of 200 meters (656 feet). The South Island covers an area of 149,883 square kilometers (57,870 square miles). Its major regions are the Canterbury Plains to the east; the central mountain highlands, wh...
New Zealand Facts And Figures.Area:267,847 sq. km (103,416 sq. miles). Total area about one-sixth larger than Great Britain or somewhat less than the State of California. Length Of Coastline: 6,880 kilometres (4,300 miles)Highest Mountain: Mt. Cook, 3,753 metres (12,315 ft.)...
英语国家概况之Newzealand NewZealand www.themegallery.com Contents 1 Geography,LandandEnvironment 2 34 TheNewZealandersandMaoriCulture History,politicsandEconomy Education www.themegallery.com Naturalbeauty oceanandseas beaches hillsandmountains Kiwi hotsprings plants www.themegallery.com www.themegallery.com...
Plantation forests take up about seven per cent of New Zealand’s land area, mostly in the North Island. Now, researchers have mapped these forests using a combination of airborne laser scanning and artificial intelligence. There are 1.8 million hectares of commercial forestry in the country, and...
New Zealand新西兰介绍 NewZealand 1206112019Evelyn ——Thelandoflongwhitecloud Officialname NewZealand Capital Area Wellington惠灵顿 270,534sqkm (ThesizeofthecountryissimilartoBritainorJapan.)Populationest.)4,173,460(July2008 Ireland:Area:70,282sq.kmPopulation:4,156,119(July2008est.)Largestcities,with...
1、New ZealandNational Flag of New Zealand: the Union Jack and the stars of the Southern Cross 南十字星座南十字星座Introduction Official name New Zealand Capital Wellington 惠灵顿惠灵顿 Area 270,534 sq km (The size of the country is similar to Britain or Japan.) Population 4,173,460 (July...
OfficialnameNewZealand (Anothernameis“Aotearoa”,meaning“landofthelongwhitecloud”) CapitalWellington Area270,534sqkm (ThesizeofthecountryissimilartoBritain IslesorJapan.) Ithastwomainislands:NorthIslandandSouthIsland. Andthey’reseparatedbyCookStrait. ...