Newzealand Gazette-A global, multilingual, multi-terminal three-dimensional news information sharing platform
Latest articleWorldBusinessLifestyleCultureTravelServiceRandomRead The Ultimate Labor Day Getaway: As China welcomes visa-free travel to Malaysia and Singapore, Forest City [1] , nestled within Malaysias government-designated Special Financial Zone and neighbo... The ...
网络释义 1. 新西兰公报 ...tone Insolvency公司所编辑的刊登在《新西兰公报》(New Zealand Gazette)上的广告来看,税务局在去年九月所刊登的申 …|基于 1 个网页 2. 新西兰政府公报 多音字gazette的汉英词典搜索结果,点击... ... 政府公报(政府公报) Gazette新西兰政府公报(新西兰政府公报)New...
文档标签: Police gazette New Zealand government BIBHONOR!tUE1~dr~rcdi011~111~1yrpm&we,mieomicIcre8arO@cialCb~)munieatwfuLOUaeeper-LOwhomre&,errdsrrrbaobGyuCxbqpr'8Coyman&~n@nnrtiomiw$~-ediaFelonyudofl&dem&~oo~andagainatReceiversrcputodTl~ic\.wrrnd0ffc1'cadclfroem#fromtime,place,lho...
New Zealand's governmentaidhat itaswarded 10 exploration permitso localndverseasompanies, whichadid inlockffer 2012.trong interest inhis permittingound proveshat New Zealand is key destinationoroth domesticnd international investment inilnd gas exploration,aid Energyndesourcesinister Phileatley intatement...
This organization believes the world was created by a flying spaghetti and meatballs-based being. Its website admits that some follows believe it to be a satirical organization.Accordingto theBBC, the official notice was published online in New Zealand's government gazette. ...
ENNZ: Environment and Nature in New ZealandNew Zealand Gazette
ExtractfromNewZealandGazette从新西兰公报提取物 系统标签: zealandgazette公报extractnewinquiry NOTICENO:5757ExtractfromNewZealandGazette,12/9/2013,No.126,p.3512EstablishmentoftheGovernmentInquiryintotheWheyProteinConcentrateContaminationIncidentPursuanttosection6(3)oftheInquiriesAct2013,I,TheHonourableNathanGuy,Ministe...
ANZAC Day has been a public holiday in New Zealand since 1921. However, it was observed as early as 1916. A civic delegation in Wellington persuaded the government to gazette April 25 as a general half-day holiday. By 1920 it was apparent that most New Zealanders wanted ANZAC Day observed...
However, for some participants in this study, restrictions on travel within New Zealand during periods of COVID-19 government mandated lockdowns prevented this critical support. Closure of the international border also meant overseas family could not travel to New Zealand. This compounded the grief ...