You'll be awed by the New Zealand's majestic evergreen native forests that include rimu, totara, many varieties of beech, and the largest native tree of them all, the giant kauri. Underneath the trees you'll find a dense and luxurious undergrowth including countless native shrubs, a variety...
Noun1.New Zealand beech- any of several tall New Zealand trees of the genus Nothofagus; some yield useful timber genus Nothofagus,Nothofagus- beeches of temperate southern hemisphere except Africa: southern beech evergreen beech,southern beech- any of various beeches of the southern hemisphere having...
Corynocarpus laevigatus (New Zealand Laurel) - A slow growing narrow upright evergreen tree reaching 25 to 40 feet tall and is densely covered with attractive oblong dark glossy green foliage. On mature plants small greenish cream flowers appear in spring and are followed by large decorative oran...
The blazing red flowers of pohutukawa at Christmas have earned this tree the title of New Zealand's Christmas tree. Pohutukawa and rata belong to the genus Metrosideros (myrtle). In New Zealand, this is represented by 2 pohutukawa, 6 species of rata vine, a related shrub, and 3 tree rata...
Synonyms for New Zealand beech in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for New Zealand beech. 6 words related to New Zealand beech: genus Nothofagus, Nothofagus, evergreen beech, southern beech, Nothofagus menziesii, silver beech. What are synonyms for New Zealand b
Stomatal conductances were measured through a single austral summer on six evergreen tree species in cloud forests of the Kaimai Ranges, North Island, New Zealand. Stomatal closure occurred earlier in the day as the summer progressed and, on some occasions, was complete ...
1)New Zealand’s geography:①New Zealand is in the Southern Pacific Ocean,halfway between the equator and the South Pole. 新西兰地处南太平洋,位于赤道和南极之间。②The size of the country is similar to Britain or Japan.It has two main islands:North Island and South Island 新西兰的面积与英国...
New Zealand is the name of a British colony in the South Pacific Ocean, which consists of three volcanic islands, and of a number of islets scattered around the coasts, having an area of about 106,000 square miles, with a coast-line measuring about 4000 miles, on the best-named account...
Chapter33.New Zealand(capital: Wellington)惠灵顿 1)New Zealand’s geography:①New Zealand is in the Southern Pacific Ocean,halfway between the equator and the South Pole. 新西兰地处南太平洋,位于赤道和南极之间。②The size of the country is similar to Britain or Japan.It has two main islands:...
New Zealand’s native trees are mostly evergreen, meaning they do not shed their leaves in winter. The flowers are often small and white. Because most of the pollinators, such as moths, native bees, crawling insects, and lizards, are generally attracted by the scent, not by color, having...