Are You Sick of New Employment Laws? California Enacts Mandatory Paid Sick Leave LawJessica Linehan
What –Effective January 1, 2023, Assembly Bill 1041 expands employee California Family Rights Act (CFRA) and paid sick leave rights to allow an employee to take such leave to care for a "designated person," in addition to other family members previously specified by law. “Designated person”...
Uber drivers in New Zealand are seeking improved compensation and working conditions through their first-ever collective agreement with the ride-hail company. This comes after the national trade union First Union initiated collective bargaining with Uber. Under New Zealand employment law, a party that ...
and it is wrong, then it is denying leave to employees who may be entitled to it. If the employer is actually an integrated employer with 500 or more employees and offers its employees leave under the FFCRA anyway, it may be denied the tax credits provi...
Frank explains (see HERE) that while getting rid of the RMA is the only real way to stimulate economic activity and get New Zealand working, the Government will probably exempt itself and leave everyone else to struggle: “Although liberating businesses from the RMA is the obvious answer, polit...
Experiences of Covid-19 Lockdown Among Older People in Aotearoa/New Zealand: Idyllic or Dystopian? Ageing & Society (2023) Google Scholar [22] T. Margan, J. Wiles, L. Williams, M. Gott COVID-19 and the portrayal of older people in New Zealand news media J. Roy. Soc. N. Z., 51...
This column was originally commissioned by Verve magazine in New Zealand. Calorific waves and a botanic feast in Philadelphia byjaniallanMy Grilling Life ≈3 Comments Tags Amish,Cinema,Flower show,Food,Food bazaar,Mennonite,Philadelphia,Wizard of Oz ...
returning from a two-month long placement at the Shining Stars Children’s Home. The home, located in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal, is operated administratively by Volunteer Services Nepal (VSN). My placement there was brokered by Global Volunteer Network (GVN), a New Zealand based charitable ...
“I feel sorry for these young fellas struggling to get into the industry,” says Pat Preece, whose son-in-law dives for paua. “It seems unjust when others can come from New Zealand for a few weeks, get their quota and sail back. They are living off the fat of the land—and it’...
The airline is cancelling routes to New Zealand until September 1 and flights to other international destinations have been cancelled until March 28, 2021 – nearly another year away – according to the Daily Mail. “All international and sale flights have been removed from the website until ...