Studies of New Zealandroads have shown increasing speeds leads to disproportionate increases in fuel consumption. For example, on long routes, reducing maximum speeds from 100km per hour to 80km per hour reduced fuel consumption by about 15%—much higher savings than the corresponding reduction in ...
This package redistributes crash statistics already available from the New Zealand Transport Agency, but in a more convenient form. It's a large package (over 20 megabytes, compressed). Datasets The crashes dataset describes most facts about a crash. The datasets causes, vehicles, and objects_stru...
New Relic Node.js agent code base. Developers are welcome to create pull requests here, please see our contributing guidelines. For New Relic technical support, please go to - node-newrelic/ at main · newrelic/node-ne
5 So, in IeSS than two WeekS SinCe I arrived in NeW Zealand/ WaS already in a dire state, almost friendless and alone. ] 6 Luckily, through the help Of a roommate, I at least found a job at a MaIaySian fish OHfaCtory. It wasnt What I had in mind as far as being the Perfeet...
New Zealand Family Violence and Economic Harm Statistics Author, Catherine Chidgey Catherine Chidgeyis an award-winning and bestselling New Zealand novelist and short-story writer whose novels have been published to international acclaim. Her first novel,In a Fishbone Church, won theBetty Trask Award...
Using data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (released in April 2020), we analyzed the average price for a gallon of unleaded regular gasoline from 1976 to 2020 along with the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for unleaded regular gasoline from 1937 to 1976, including the absolute and inflation-...
A survey of women and health providers about information regarding the timing of driving a car after experiencing a caesarean section Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 52 (4) (2012), pp. 361-365 Google Scholar Signal et al., 2007 T.L. Signal, P.H. Gander,...
4 Argentina, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Burma (Myanmar), Cape Verde, Cayman Islands, Central African Republic, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Faroe Islands, Georgia, Ireland, (South) Korea, Luxembourg, Malta, Moldova, New Zealand, Norway, Pitcairn Islands, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sudan, ...
This reviews the recent history of drinking driver deterrence in New Zealand, commencing with the introduction of the absolute blood alcohol limit and mandatory testing in 1969. Estimates are provided of effectiveness, beginning with the intiial effects of the 1969 law and extending through campaigns...
White pointed out in his “Notes and Comment,” there was another, earlier New Yorker published nearly a century earlier in the 1830s by Horace Greeley, who described his periodical as “A Weekly Journal of Literature, Politics, Statistics and General Intelligence.” Greeley published his New ...