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NEW SELECTION PACK: Wandering Travelers, which introduces Adventurer Token and Floowandereeze and more new cards to Yu-Gi-Oh! MASTER DUEL releases on July 11th after maintenance!#MasterDuel #YuGiOh #YuGiOhMasterDuel #遊戯王マスターデュエル pic.twitter.com/dIRrsyIzDU — Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Du...
The new in-game @YGOMasterDuel update is LIVE, with new Cards, Solo Gates, Selection Packs, Accessories, and more! Check it out in-game now!#YuGiOhMASTERDUEL pic.twitter.com/wu25VpvFuV— Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG (@YuGiOh_TCG) May 9, 2022 As of this writing, Konami has not offered an updat...
MASTER DUELsite:https://www.konami.com/yugioh/masterduel/en/ Yu-Gi-Oh!MASTER DUELfeatures beautifully rendered Duels in 4K resolution*, more than 10,000 cards to collect**, an extensive single-player Solo Mode, online Duels, tournaments, events and more. Yu-Gi-Oh! MASTER DUELis free-to-...
games, you’ll have to amass your card collection and build decks by acquiring cards through progression or via in-game currency that can be bought with real money. In addition to unique summoning animations showing off some of the more prestigious cards across the Yu-Gi-Oh! spectrum, the ...
However, now I've putten some forbidden cards I ahve in my deck, too. But they're not thaaaaat strong. My deck is not the worst. But still I've lost quite often recently. And since I'm so much into the Yu-Gi-Oh! hype, I thought I would buy some new cards. The card set ...
https://twitter.com/YuGiOhCardEU/status/1518511166087172096 There have also been rumours circulating recently that UI changes and extra solo mode challenges might arrive alongside the new updates, but we haven’t seen anything set in stone yet. Konami has confirmed a change in the way that rank...
LIMITED & FORBIDDEN CARDS EVENT COVERAGEHome > 2022/10 - YCS Minneapolis, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > Check Out the New Regional Qualifier Game Mat! Check Out the New Regional Qualifier Game Mat!October 22nd, 2022 There’s a brand new Game Mat for the latest Regional Qualifier season!
February 17th 5AM – 7:30AM UK#MasterDuel #YuGiOhMasterDuel #遊戯王マスターデュエル pic.twitter.com/rPxTudT8fK — Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel Guide (@MasterDuelSite) February 15, 2022 Maintenance details This Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel maintenance period is bringing more system updates to the...
Yugioh is releasing a 25th Anniversary legendary collection featuring a load of iconic cards and sets, and a new rarity type, the Quarter Century Secret Rare It seems like all the big TCGs are having birthday parties right now. To mark its 25th year of existence, Yugioh has announced it’...