White also noted a new craze that had originated around the same time as the birth of The New Yorker… TWO ACROSS…Max Schuster and Richard Simon of Simon & Schuster, with their first crossword book, 1924. (americanbusinesshistory.org) White concluded with these parting words, tinged with...
In an op-ed in theNew Yorker, Ringwaldwrotethat her mother "spoke up during the filming" of the scene inThe Breakfast Clubin which "bad-boy character" John Bender hides under the desk of Ringwald's character Claire and seizes the opportunity to look at her underwear. "Though the audience...
The New Yorker isn't afraid to call out Donald Trump OR his Russian bro, Vladimir Putin, that's for damn sure.
While New Yorker readers are relaxing with the cartoons, Mankoff pings and pongs, often with Will Shortz, the noted crossword puzzle editor. Mankoff's moves are half Wile E. Coyote and half scarecrow from "The Wizard of Oz." Bob Mankoff: Ping pong itself, there's something a little bit...
White also noted a new craze that had originated around the same time as the birth of The New Yorker… TWO ACROSS…Max Schuster and Richard Simon of Simon & Schuster, with their first crossword book, 1924. (americanbusinesshistory.org) White concluded with these parting words, tinged with...