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(Museum of the City of New York) * * * Intermural Murals Art critic Murdock Pemberton approached the Museum of Modern Art’s newest exhibition of American muralists with a bit of suspicion, although he was correct in surmising that the Rockefeller Center was shopping for muralists, but as...
NEW CHEAP PRIVATE ROOM, KITCHEN , OVERWIEUW sea,TRAM on spot, 12 minutes from nice train station with tram , beach in 17 min tram , CHAMBRE PRIVÉE pas cher, cuisine équipée , tram sur place, APERÇU mer, 12 min de la gare de Nice avec le tram, 17 min pla...
September 1966 berichtete Botschafter Freiherr von Braun, New York (UNO), die Bot- schafter der Drei Mächte hätten davon abgeraten, in dieser Sache beim UNO-Generalsekretär ei- ne Demarche zu unternehmen: „U Thants Ausführungen entsprächen seiner inneren Überzeu- gung, seien ...
patch from the Governor at Louisbourg, Brigadier- General Edward Whitmore to General Jeffrey Amherst, based in New York, who commanded the British forces in North America: I acquainted you in some of my Letters in December [1759] and January [1760] last that the Indians were Come in, and ...
Stevenson’s (incomplete) autograph manuscript of Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde has been part of the Morgan Library in New York since 1909. Now digital images (readable, but not high-definition) of every page have been made on the LIbrary’s website. The extant MS covers just ...
For biographies of key social entrepreneurs, Bornstein (2007), a book considered ‘a bible in the field’ according to the New York Times. For more information on Drayton, see Bornstein (2007), p 11 et seqq. The name (Sanskrit for the ‘active absence of sorrow’) derives from the Indi...
Katz (NewYork: NewYork University Press,1991), 353−71 ;M.Ahouie,“Iranian Anti-Zionism and the Holocaust:ALongDiscourse Dismissed,”Radical HistoryReview105 (2009): 58–78.302Meir Litvak thatgoverns society and state. In order to achievetheir objective,the Jews joinedhands with other ...
A. Emadi, “Advanced Electric Drive Vehicles,” New York: CRC Press, 2015. X. Hu et al., “Advanced Machine Learning Approach for Lithium-Ion Battery State Estimation in Electric Vehicles,” in IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 140-149, Jun. 2016....