The application deadline at New York University is Jan. 5. Admissions officials at New York University consider a student's GPA a very important academic factor. An applicant's high school class rank is not considered but letters of recommendation are considered very important for admissions ...
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New York UniversityNew York University from The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed.. Read New York University from The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed. now at Questia.The Columbia Encyclopediath ed
纽约大学(New York University)简称“NYU”,是一所位于纽约的世界顶尖私立研究型大学,成立于1831年,由18个学院和研究所组成,是全美境内办学规模最大的私立名校之一。 NYU以丰厚的校友捐赠、研究资金和培育创新才能的教育理念著称,QS毕业生就业能力排名世界...
纽约大学(New York University)简称“NYU”,是一所位于纽约的世界著名私立综合性研究型大学,被列为25所新常春藤名校之一,同时也是美国大学协会(AAU)成员之一。 纽约大学成立于1831年,由18个学院和研究所组成,是美国唯一一座位于纽约心脏地带...
View all Online Schools Study in New York New York, rich in its cultural and historic heritage, has remained a national symbol of the American Dream for centuries. For international students planning to study in the United States, New York hosts one of the most well-known and diverse urban ...
纽约大学(New York University,缩写NYU)成立于1831年,是一所位于美国纽约市曼哈顿的私立研究型综合大学,主要的校区都位于纽约市曼哈顿格林威治村,以华盛顿广场为中心,提供本科、硕士、博士、职业文凭(Diploma)、副学士(Associate)、文凭课程(Certificate),六种学位类型。 纽约大学地理位置 纽约大学有两个校区。主校区曼...
New York University’s alumni have received a number of Nobel and Crafoord Prizes, as well as several Pulitzer Prizes and Abel Prizes in the past. After having the Violet for its official mascot for a century, the university introduced the Bobcat, an extinct species of big cat related to th...
Founded in 1831, New York University is one of the largest private universities in the United States. The University, which includes 14 schools and colleges, is centered in Washington Square, the heart of Greenwich Village. Created August 27, 2007 网站 总积分 620,204 ...
纽约大学New York University 学校简介: NYU始建于1831年, 是美国最大的私立大学,也是美国唯一一座坐落于纽约心脏地带的名校,被列为美国新常春藤大学 之一。该校任何一个科目都具有世界级水平,虽然所设课程压力不大,但要求甚高,学生称其 “not high pressure, but demanding” 。学校有超过46000位的学生,分别来自...