Founded in 1924 as the Annual Review of the Law School of New York University, the New York University Law Review is a leading academic law journal committed to publishing, generating, and cultivating influential scholarship in service to the law. The Law Review publishes six issues a year: Ap...
NEW YORK UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEWBenjamin, S MInformation Privacy / Information Property. New York University Law Review . 2003
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NEW YORK UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW中文简介 《纽约大学法律评论》是一本一流的综合性法律评论杂志,出版法律理论与政策、环境法、法律历史、国际法等领域的法律学术著作。《法律评论》每年出版六期,其中包括由教授、法官和法律从业者撰写的法律奖学金,以及由《法律评论》成员、纽约大学法学院(New York University School ...
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