NYU Shanghai is founded in a uniquepartnership between New York University and East China Normal University. Withhalf its student body hailing from China and half from around the world, it isthe first Sino-U.S. joint research university ...
更值得一提的是每年两次的 New York Resturant Week, 许多高品质、高口碑的餐馆会推出专属的活动套餐...
鼎泰丰点心、一兰和一风堂拉面、各种川菜馆、西安名吃等等,再步行20分钟就可以到达China Town。
在这里,可以品尝到很地道的中餐,例如学校附近中餐厅的Lunch Special、China Town不到10刀一大盒的叉烧...
china.blackstone.com [...] is currently engaged in a joint research initiativewithNew York Universitytoestablish a global research platform for public-private security policies. daccess-ods.un.org daccess-ods.un.org 为了推进有助于公私伙
Shanghai New York University was approved to be built on January 17, 2011, laid the foundation in Lujiazui financial and Trade Zone on March 28 of the same year, and was established on October 15, 2012. The first batch of undergraduates entered Zhongshan North Road Campus of East China Norm...
2China town。耳熟能详的曼哈顿唐人街,但有点乱⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 3...
当你来到纽约,你就是来到了世界美食之都。只要你想得到的,都可以品尝得到。就说中国学生最爱的中餐,学校附近步行距离,有好吃的越南米粉、鼎泰丰点心、一兰和一风堂拉面、各种川菜馆、西安名吃等等,步行20分钟,你甚至可以到达China Town。 另外如果喝腻了星巴克,离图书馆一街之隔就有国人最爱珍珠奶茶,想吃日料的话...
Foundedin1912,ShanghaiAmericanSchool(SAS)isthelargestandmostestablishedinternationalschoolinChina.Inshort,it'sthekindofschoolyouwishyouwould'veattendedwhenyouwereakid. 创建于1912年,上海美国学校是中国最大的也是历史最悠久的国际学校。...
纽约大学 (New York University),成立于 1831 年,是全美最大的私立大学之一,也是美国唯一一座坐落于纽约心脏地带的名校。所设课…显示全部 关注者5,251 被浏览2,585,781 关注问题写回答 邀请回答 好问题 49 4 条评论 分享 ...