必应词典为您提供New-York-University-Abu-Dhabi的释义,网络释义: 纽约大学的阿布达比;纽约大学阿布扎比分校;
纽约大学阿布扎比分校(New York University Abu Dhabi),简称NYUAD,是一所以通识教育为核心的私立研究性大学。2007年10月,纽约大学与阿布扎比酋长国达成共识,共同创建纽约大学阿布扎比分校,这对21世纪高等教育起着重要作用。它是美国纽约大学的第一个海外校园,与纽约大学本部、上海纽约大学(NYU Shanghai)共同组成纽约大学...
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About New York University Abu Dhabi (NYUAD) NYU Abu Dhabi is the first comprehensive liberal arts and research campus in the Middle East to be operated abroad by a major American research university, New York University (NYU). NYU Abu Dhabi has integrated a highly selective programme with major...
New York University Abu Dhabi (NYUAD) occupies a state-of-the-art campus on Saadiyat Island, just off the coast of Abu Dhabi.The previously undeveloped island, which is now connected to the mainland via a high-capacity causeway, was developed to incorporate various uses including residential ...
综合大学 | 杜克大学-Duke University学长SAT考试经验及备考心得 76 2020-07 2 综合大学 | 纽约大学阿布扎比分校-New York University Abu Dhabi申请经历分享 117 2020-07 3 综合大学 | 纽约大学-New York University学习生活经历分享 89 2020-07 4 常春藤名校 | 康奈尔大学-Cornell University学姐的申请经验分享 ...
New York University Abu Dhabi Library has developed new strategies to increase efficiency in technical services processing between units based in New York and Abu Dhabi. This case study discusses the challenges specific to the international context and the methods used to overcome them, increase speed...
Desert Media Art (IM-UH 3315) is taught byMichael Angat New York University Abu Dhabi’sInteractive Mediaprogram. Desert Media Art Student Projects حكايـــــة (Hekaya)– Telling collected Emirati stories Desert Whispers– Augmented plant communicates its boundaries ...
受王子殿下Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan和纽约大学的委托,纽约大学阿布扎比分校结合了文理学院,挑选的研究生课程和先进的研究机构,在萨迪亚特岛整合成一个完整的研究型大学。维诺里指导了新校区的规划,并经过一系列的土地使用和建筑方案对比之后发展和执行了新校区的总体规划。项目借鉴了伊斯兰花园和马德拉萨等当地...