比赛期间,每周纽约时报都会要求参赛者们在《纽约时报》中选择他们所感兴趣的内容,并且写出原因。在周末,来自Times新闻编辑室和The Learning Network 的评委会选出他们最喜欢的评论,然后纽约时报会进行发布。 该竞赛的目标是为了帮助学生们更...
【比赛介绍】New York Times Summer Reading Contest 纽约时报夏季读写比赛(NYT Summer Reading)是纽约时报从 2010 年起每年夏季进行举办的竞赛,邀请全球 13-19 岁的青 少年参与挑选他们过去一年中读过最喜欢的《纽约时报》文章,并撰写一篇不超过 1500 词的读后感。《纽约时报》的编辑会每周挑选出他们最喜欢的读后感...
【比赛介绍】New York Times Summer Reading Contest 纽约时报夏季读写比赛(NYT Summer Reading)是纽约时报从 2010 年起每年夏季进行举办的竞赛,邀请全球 13-19 岁的青 少年参与挑选他们过去一年中读过最喜欢的《纽约时报》文章,并撰写一篇不超过 1500 词的读后感。《纽约时报》的编辑会每周挑选出他们最喜欢的读后感...
它就是—— New York Times Summer Reading Contest纽约时报夏季读写比赛由纽约时报自2010年起,每年夏天举办的竞赛,针对世界各地的中学生。通过这项比赛,纽约时报希望激励中学生洞察身边的世界,思考自己在世界中的位置,并提高通过写作表达自己想法的能力。 该竞赛旨在激励中学生洞察身边的世界,思考自己在世界中的位置,并...
Jun 24, 2024 CBS New York, Brooklyn Public Library partner for summer reading The Brooklyn Public Library is working hard to keep kids read all summer, and CBS New York is a proud partner in this effort. Jun 6, 2024 New York City's Section 8 application window is now closed NYC...
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During the week leading up to Christmas, Eileen Dunlop is planning to disappear from her coastal Massachusetts home town which she names only as X-ville and start a new life in New York City. However, when she meets Rebecca Saint John, a new colleague at the correctional facility, events ...
Second, itshould be obviouswhy New York’s Democrats want to subsidize a sector that acts as cheerleaders for big government. Third, the law is written in a way that big media firms like theNew York Timestheoretically could benefit.
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