发现The New York Times做得特别好,有很多可爱的Puzzles小游戏,最近特别喜欢的是Connections这个。工作间隙玩玩,刺激大脑,活跃脑细胞。一天只能玩一次! 找到不同单词之间隐藏的关系 今天的谜面是这样的: 要给这16个单词分成4组。我感觉这难度都升天了。 只有4次机会,玩不出来,就给你甩答案,没有半点伤害(bushi)。
Quick ViewNYT Connections Words for Friday, October 25New York Times Connections Hints Today for October 25Additional Nyt Connections Hints for TodayNYT Connections Groups Today for October 25New York Times Connections Answers Today for October 25If you are looking for The New York Times Connections...
The New York Times is known primarily forWordleand its crossword, but that doesn’t mean its other games won’t get some love. Case in point:Connections, the word game that tasks players with recognizing patterns among a group of 16 words or phrases. It’s known for being fun but somet...
Connections, which has been increasingly popular with players since it went into beta last month, is becoming a full-fledged addition to theNew York Timescollection of puzzle games. Jonathan Knight, head of games at theTimes, says you’ll be seeing better integration with other titles and new ...
Can artificial intelligence (AI) match human skills for finding obscure connections between words? Researchers at NYU Tandon School of Engineering turned to the daily Connections puzzle from The New York Times to find out. Connections gives players five attempts to group 16 words into four thematical...
The New York Times Games and The Athletic are launching Connections: Sports Edition on Super Bowl Sunday. The daily challenge invites players to group 16 related sports-related terms into four categories of four.Jan. 29, 2025Read More UP NEXT 2 million doughnut products recalled across US ove...
The game, which has been inbeta modefor the last several months, will look similar to the popular Connections game that is already published by The New York Times. “Written by The Athletic’s Managing Editor for News — and now puzzle editor — Mark Cooper, the game invites players to ...
TheNew York Times’ push into gaming continues as the company is widely launching its next big release:Connections. The game, which has beenavailable in beta since June, is nowrolling outbasically everywhere theTimesgames are available. That includes the web, the NYT Games app on both iOS and...
The New York Times allows anyone to search articles by keyword, date, section, and popularity. This connector allows a user to pull this data into their app, flow, or report.This connector is available in the following products and regions:...
Every day, millions of people across the globe fill their morning commute or lunch break with New York Times games such as Wordle or Connections.