#城市公共交通摄影[超话]#MTA New York City Subway 2024年新车R211系列之R211A(目前全数服役于A线) 2024年纽约地铁新车之一,另外还有R211T和R211S。R211T车厢是贯通的,不是用屏蔽门,这是纽约地铁第一次购买...
New R211 subway cars roll into service on StatenIsland Railway October 8, 2024 Bronx Times Bronx DA, NY Attorney General charge real estate broker and associates in deed theft scheme targeting vulnerable homeowners Police & Fire Israel advocate mobbed, attacked bypro-Palestineprotestors inUnion Square...
The model R211 is intended to replace the dreaded R46s- dingy, decrepit cattle cars that carried three generations of New Yorkers and still do. They're the oldest subway cars in New York and first went into service in 1975 and are still running on the A and C lines and the Staten Isla...