New York state rent laws don't require landlords to give notice before raising rent prices. However, some landlords may choose to send a notice before doing this or add an annual increase in their lease agreement so there are no arguments each year on the renewal. ...
On April 20, 2024, New York State’s “Good Cause Eviction” law took effect after being passed as part of the State Budget. This law applies to New York City only, however, it gives cities, town and villages throughout the state the power to opt-in to the state law via their local...
There is a new law in New York State that allows tenants to stay in the home they are renting even if they do not pay. The eviction process in most municipalities takes up to an entire year by the time you file, go to court dates and then schedule and eviction, but landlords have b...
New York State Asbestos Laws State regulations includerules promulgated by the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH), the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC), and the New York State Department of Labor (NYSDOL), particularly projects covered by Code Rule 56. ...
Ten years ago, the agency overseeing the upkeep of the majestic New York State Capitol reported that the granite staircase leading to the main entrance was warped and bulging so badly that part of it might collapse at any moment. …A thorough repair, estimated at $17 million, was recommended...
NOTE: Check with your accountant for any laws and rules on your taxes and deadlines. Why are New York State taxes due later all of the sudden? The IRS announced that, because of the big Christmas storm that affected a lot of parts of New York State, they are pushing the tax due-date...
SECUREa good place to live by exploring your renting and purchasing options. Choose what’s best for you and your family. THINKaboutsecuring a jobfirst unless the reason you’re moving to a new state is a job offer in the first place. ...
An economist writing about skyscrapers describes seeing New York City from the Empire State Building in a unique way: Photo by Nextvoyage Together, the center becomes a chaotic yet controlled sociological soup: the mix of the mundane with the mighty. Looking down from the Empire St...
1. The Most Violent and Dangerous City in New York State is the Bronx Google Maps 1. The Most Violent and Dangerous City in New York State is the Bronx Bronx County, home of the Bronx, one of New York City's five boroughs, has the most violent crimes with a rate of 928.8.The popu...
If you get into a financial bind, is it legal to sell body parts you might not want or need in New York State? It isyourbody, right? Hear me out...this isn't any type of zombie fan fiction. But consider're not in a good place financially, and there are people who...