On-premises liceses such as those for restaurants, bars or nightclubs, especially those that want to offer full liquor not just beer and wine, are usually more complex to obtain. This is because within NYC, the State Liquor Authority takes into consideration public convenience and how many ful...
In the session on “The State of Ohio’s Home Rule Authority”, the presenters warned that State lawmakers could continue to chip away at a municipal self-government, or home rule, by making changes to the Ohio Revised Code that preempt the local authority given to cities and villages by ...
It quotes statute 265-A:2, which states that no person shall drive a vehicle when “…such person is under the influence of intoxicating liquor or…any other chemical substance…which impairs a person’s ability to drive”So, a person can still be arrested. They would face the same ...
Holland Tunnel: 3 Arrested With Car Full Of Loaded Guns Body Armor & Attack Gear, Law Enforcement Officers Security Unions LEOSU, LEOSU New Jersey, LEOSU New York, Multiple loaded weapons found in vehicle near Holland Tunnel; 3 arrested: Port Authority, NYC Police, NYC Terrorism, NYC Terrori...
What’s more, evenTimeout New Yorkwas “on” to this whole “compound” thing. Hmm.I wonder how this got past Community Board 1 Brooklyn or the State Liquor Authority? In any case and to wrap this up, the image gracing the beginning of this post is (by all appearances) from “Dada...
$100.00 new license, $75.00 renewal or transfer Requirements:1. Citizen of the United States;3. Twenty-one (21) years of age or older;4. Not a fugitive from justice;5. Have not been convicted of a felony in New Mexico or any other state or pursuant to the laws of the United States...
KEG PARTY…TheNew York Daily Newsfeatured this photo on June 18, 1931 with this caption: “Tears mingled with strong beer in Newark, N.J. as prohibition agents destroyed the unlawful liquor, some of which was seized in Hoboken raid.”(NY Daily News/Mashable) ...
state those people too mr how little good world make very year still see own work men day get here old life both between being under three never know same last another while us off might great go come since against right came take states used himself house few american use place during ...