New York State Legislature votes down redrawn congressional maps The Democrat-dominated state Legislature will now have to submit and approve a new set of congressional lines, which is expected in the coming days. CBS New York's Kristine Johnson reports. ...
Congressional races may be the talk of the town with New York playing a pivotal role in Democrats’ attempts to win back the House, but don’t forget that state lawmakers also have their own elections this year. Democrats maintain supermajorities in both the state Senate ...
New York State Legislature passes Nonprofit Revitalization Act Legislation mandates audit procedures, conflict of interest policies, whistleblower policies for nonprofit organizationsMichael J. Cooney
READ MORE:New York State Legislature votes down newly redrawn congressional maps Which is why, when the Democratically-controlled New York Legislature re-drew the congressional maps, being ever so careful not to be too greedy to avoid a court challenge, they protected two Democrats, made it more...
An analysis of polling site data by the New York Public Interest Research Group finds that 20 four-year colleges in New York state have no polling place within a mile of campus. With just weeks until the general election, the analysis shows that these large-population colleges — with on-ca...
“The veterans of New York State received a gift today with the appointment of Assemblyman Steve Stern as chairman of the Assembly Veterans’ Affairs Committee,” said Thomas Ronayne, former director of the Suffolk County Veterans Services Agency. “Assemblyman Stern brings two decades of selfless ...
State abbreviation/Postal code: N.Y./NY State Area Code: 718 Nickname: The Empire State Origin of name: In honor of the Duke of York Motto:“Excelsior” (English: Ever upward) Slogan: "I Love New York" State symbols: Animal Beaver (1975) Fish Brook trout (1975) Gem Garnet (1969)...
作者:Claude Brown In an attempt to minimize the legal uncertainty and adverse economic impacts associated with the transition away from U.S. dollar LIBOR (LIBOR) in contracts that lack adequate fallback provisions, on March 24, 2021, the New York State Legislature passed a...
“We’re looking forward to the return of the New York state Legislature to in-person session in January 2022. After nearly two years of virtual legislative sessions, meetings and interactions, we’re excited to see legislators and their constituents back together in the Capitol again next year...
Republican candidate Angi Renna, a financial planner, took a lead over Democrat John Mannion on election night in the race for this Central New York seat. Both parties have been vying to win the district since Republican state Sen. Robert Antonacci left office. Still, it’s t...