Hunters wishing to use a crossbow must complete qualifications in the safe use of hunting with a crossbow and responsible crossbow hunting practices. SeeCrossbow Hunting Informationfor details. Residency To qualify for an annual resident license, a person must live in New York State for more than ...
The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) released over 500 adult ring-necked pheasants across public hunting lands in three counties, including one in Central New York. MikeLane45/Think Stock Extended Stocking Season Pheasant stockings normally happen in the fall season, from...
All first-time hunters, bowhunters, and trappers must pass one or more courses before they can purchase a license. New York State offers both in-person courses and an online option. In-person courses are taught by trained volunteer instructors, certified by DEC, and are offered throughout the...
Baiting bucks is not allowed in New York. A neighbor reported a hunted placing in the backyard and then shooting the attracted deer with a crossbow from his upstairs deck. The hunted admitted to shooting the buck over bait but claimed he was unaware placing pumpkins for deer to eat would be...
Baiting bucks is not allowed in New York. A neighbor reported a hunted placing in the backyard and then shooting the attracted deer with a crossbow from his upstairs deck. The hunted admitted to shooting the buck over bait but claimed he was unaware placing pumpkins for deer to eat would be...
On Friday, April 1 a number ofnew fishing regulationstook effect in New York State. Some of the changes include: stammphoto New statewide regulation for rainbow, brown trout, and splake in lakes and ponds. The season will now be open year-round, with a five-fish daily limit, any size,...
Late last season found me in western Ohio, crossbow in hand, in pursuit of a whitetail buck. Hunting with Jeff Davis, owner of The Lost Shed Lodge, my cameraman and I were clinging tight to our buddy heater and doing our best to hide from the polar vortex that had set in over most...
Black bear hunting seasons open this weekend in the southeastern part of the state and next weekend in the north country, the DEC announced on Thursday. In southeastern New York, the early bear season runs from Sept. 12 to Sept. 27 in Wildlife Management Units (WMUs) 3A, 3C, 3H, 3J,...
We are one week into Spring turkey season here in New York and as the weather starts to get nice there will be more and more hunters out and about across the state.