New York Genealogy Databases Searches Surname: Surname: Surname: Search for: Exact SurnameSoundexStarts withWildcard search Type of Records: Surname (required): First Name: (optional) Year (optional): Any1790180018101820183018401850186018701880190019101920===State Censuses194418551862186518661875189018921895190519151925...
There are a number of ways to get copies of vital records (birth, marriage, and death certificates) in New York. New York began statewide registration of vital records in 1880, but some cities began registering these events earlier. The New York State Archives has vital records indexes ...
There are a number of ways to get copies of vital records (birth, marriage, and death certificates) in New York. New York began statewide registration of vital records in 1880, but some cities began registering these events earlier. The New York State Archives has vital records indexes ...
United States» New York 5660 Links Category Index Adoption Birth, Marriage, Death Cemeteries & Funerals Census Counties Directories General Resources Government: City, County, Province, State History & Culture How To Immigration, Emigration & Migration ...
Year of Death (optional): State/County: (optional) New Jersey GenForum Message Boards Surname: New Jersey RootsWeb / Ancestry Message Boards View or Post Surname Queries. Search user-contributed Bible Records, Biographies, Birth, Marriage & Death Records, Cemetery Records, Census, Deeds, ...
ON MICROFILM atthe New York State Library in Albany A-Z INDEX TO LICENSES: DATABASESEARCHABLE SEARCHABLE ORIGINAL LICENSESON MICROFILM atthe NYC Municipal Archives MAIL ORDER atthe NYC Municipal Archives * This data was released to the public through a successful Fr...
Departments of Medicine and Epidemiology, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA R. Graham Barr & Kathleen M. Donohue Division of Genetic Epidemiology, Department of Epidemiology, Bloomberg School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA ...
New York – often called New York City or the City of New York to distinguish it from the State of New York, of which it is a part – is the most populous city in the United States and the center of the New York metropolitan area, the premier gateway for legal immigration to the ...
Deaths- registration number, given name(s), family name, date of birth (since 1972) or age at death Marriages- registration number, bride's given name(s) and family name, and groom's given name(s) and family name. Parents for the bride and groom can often be found after late 1880/...
Death Place Manhattan, New York, New York, USA, Certificate Number 27685, New York, New York, U.S., Death Index, 1949-1965 Dante Somma, Age 82, Birth Date 8 Feb 1904, Death Date 30 May 1986 Death Place Orange City, Essex, New Jersey, USA, New Jersey State Archives;...