Nathan Hurst
New York Public Library, Main Branch While you're in the neighborhood, stroll a few blocks west on 42nd Street to Fifth Avenue and visit the main branch of the New York Public Library. You'll recognize the lions, Patience and Fortitude as well as the staircase which appeared in the movie...
Right next to Bryant Park is the main branch of the New York Public Library, where you can explore holiday decorations in Astor Hall, the Polonsky Exhibit, or the Rose Reading Room (only accessible to visitors 10am-11am or on a library tour). What better way to warm up than with a...
(Vandamm collection, New York Public Library/ Bill “Bojangles” Robinson (1878–1949) is considered one of the greatest tap dancers of all time, introducing a style of remarkable lightness and complexity that was perhaps best represented by his famous stair dance. Oct. 6, 1934 cover...
An exhibition honoring rapper and Brooklyn native Jay-Z is drawing crowds to the library. CBS New York's Hannah Kliger says library leaders told her visits have more than doubled. Read more:
U.S. District Courts | New York Western District Court | Intellectual Property | 1:24-cv-00008 | 01/02/2024 DOCKET 01/23/2024 (#7) MOTION FOR DISCOVERY BY STRIKE 3 HOLDINGS, LLC. (ATTACHMENTS: #1 MEMORANDUM IN SUPPORT, #2 EXHIBIT A- WILLIAMSON, #3 EXHIBIT B- PAIGE, #4 EXHIBIT...
(New York Public Library) * * * Relax. You’re in Omaha E.B. White’s “Notes and Comment” entry in the Sept. 7 “Talk of the Town” described travel on the Union Pacific’s Overland Limited, and the “mystic dividing line” that separated laid-back Westerners from buttoned-up ...
Origins of the New York Public Library, housing more than six million volumes, date to when one-time governor Samuel J. Tilden (1814-1886) bequeathed most of his fortune -- about $2.4 million -- to establish and maintain a free library and reading room. New York already had the Astor ...
The trade appears almost risk-free as long as prices on both sides of the Atlantic are close to each other. But when prices on the Comex surged above those in London late last year, baking in possible tariffs, contracts that the banks had sold in New York were suddenly underwater. … ...
EFG Bank AG, Cayman Branch v. AXA Equitable Life Insurance Company U.S. District Courts | New York Southern District Court | Contract | 1:17-CV-04767 | 06/23/2017 Woodberry v. Graham et al U.S. District Courts | New York Southern District Court | Contract | 1:14-CV-04816 | 06...