“No one tells us anything. We have found out here that she is affected. They took the test here,” said Awal Zar, father of Marwa. The doctors said that the increase in the number of positive polio cases is due to the lack of awareness of the families. “Unfortunately, again a pos...
Two new cases dashed the hopes of global health authorities whowanted to declare Africa free of...Donald G Mcneil JR
Those times also informed the advertisements; indeed, in some cases the ads give us a better idea of who was reading the magazine, as well as their changing tastes and buying power as we moved from the Roaring Twenties to the Depression, and from Prohibition into Repeal. I have also ...
New York Gov. Kathy Hochul, seated, hands the first pen, during the signing of the "Less is More" law, to Lt. Gov. Brian Benjamin during ceremonies in the governor's office, in New York, Friday, Sept. 17, 2021. New Yorkers will be able to avoid jail time for most nonviole...
Afghanistan has detected polio in areas previously declared free of the life-threatening disease after immunisation programmes were paused due to the coronavirus pandemic, officials said Sunday. Ad Thepolio virushas spread to three provinces that had not reported cases for up to five years, said Jan...
ISLAMABAD (AP) — Pakistan has witnessed a spike in new polio cases since March, officials said Wednesday, in a troubling sign as the government seeks to eradicate the disease in the country.
Polio in retreat: New cases nearly eliminated where virus once flourishedScientific American
"Though rare, some polio cases can result in paralysis or death," the New York State Department of Health states. The 35 Most Dangerous Counties in New York State Allegany County Google Allegany County 160.5 Violent Crime Rate Seneca County ...
(AP)—A health official in Pakistan says four new polio cases have been detected in the country, bringing the number of children affected by the crippling disease this year to 276. Rana Mohammad Safdar, a senior official at the National Institute of Health in Islamabad, said Saturday the new...
New York City saw some of the highest infection rates during the Coronavirus pandemic of 2020. In March 2020, the cityhad the highest number of casesacross the country. Nonetheless, as with many other instances, the state emerged once more in 2021 and returned to the cultural hotspot that it...