Anantara New York Palace Budapest is a 5-star luxury hotel in Budapest, located in an iconic building near the Danube in the center of the city. Book now!
New York Cafe,“最美咖啡厅”的称号还真是实至名归。我们这回来布达佩斯选择住在New York Palace,正好可以避开人流晨早来一顿丰盛的早餐,顺便拍拍照片。这座历史悠久的建筑曾是纽
布达佩斯纽约宫殿安纳塔拉酒店 - 立鼎世酒店集团(Anantara New York Palace Budapest - A Leading Hotel of The World) 纽约咖啡馆22 米 Rapaz88 米 Vaslap123 米 Füge Udvar297 米 Bp BARbq253 米 Istanbul Kebab141 米 Freyja - the croissant story277 米 ...
Anantara New York Palace Budapest - A Leading Hotel of the World提供一系列奢华娱乐设施,为您的住宿增添无尽乐趣。酒店内设有多家精品店,供您尽情购物。您还可以在酒吧享受美味的饮品和独特的氛围。酒店还设有理发店,提供专业的发型设计和护理服务,让您焕发新颜。如果您需要放松身心,酒店的按摩室、桑拿房和...
Step into the opulent world of Anantara New York Palace Budapest, nestled in Erzsebetvaros. Enjoy a coffee at the cafe, unwind with a massage or body treatment at Spa Anantara New York Palace Budapest Hotel, and savor meals at on-site restaurant New York Cafe. Guests rave about the helpful...
在遍布布达佩斯大街小巷的咖啡馆中,有一家咖啡馆,多次在各种旅游攻略评选出的“世界N个最美咖啡馆”里榜上有名,它就是位于第七区伊丽莎白环路上的百年老店——纽约咖啡馆(New York Cafe)。 纽约不是在美国吗?为什么要以纽约命名? 19世纪末的布达佩斯是欧洲的文艺中心,咖啡自土耳其传入匈牙利仅仅三四十年就迅速发展,...
New York Cafe in Budapest 🌚😁#budapest #travel #newyorkpalace #coff @ New York Cafe Palace Budapeste
布达佩斯纽约宫殿安纳塔拉酒店 - 立鼎世酒店集团(Anantara New York Palace Budapest - A Leading Hotel of The World)都将竭诚为您服务,让您的每一次入住都成为一次美好的回忆,在线预订布达佩斯纽约宫殿安纳塔拉酒店 - 立鼎世酒店集团(Anantara New York Palace Budapest - A Leading Hotel of The World),就上携程...
Stay at Anantara New York Palace Budapest, a luxurious 5-star hotel near the Danube. Discover the city in style. Book your retreat with Minor Hotels!
Magnificent building: Based at the luxurious New York Palace, the New York Cafe one of the oldest coffee houses in the city. Courtesy New York Palace A photo tour of Budapest's spectacular New York Cafe1 of 18Prev Next CNN — Step inside the New York Café, and you may find yourself...