New office on aging advisory council chairwoman brings years of community service to help seniorsVANAMAN, JOYCE
Here's Greg Olsen, Director of the New York State Office for Aging: "Design features of homes, roads, bridges, public spaces, buildings and so on and so forth literally can make the difference between your ability to age in place or not." According to some estimates there will be two ...
In an effort to reorganize, the New York Department of Health (NYDOH) has formed a new Office of Aging & Long Term Care (OALTC), which would oversee long term care and senior living facilities in New York. The OALTC will be led by Adam Herbst, Deputy Commissioner on Aging & Long ...
HISTORY’S HOME…The main facade of the Museum of the City of New York facing Fifth Avenue. (Wikipedia) * * * Ignoble Deeds “The Talk of the Town” looked in on some aging veterans of the 19th century “Indian Wars” and found the old coots reminiscing about the massacre of various...
It’s not too late to score a good deal on spring break airfare 3 destinations popular with European vacationers that haven’t drawn American crowds yet Yankees to play Sinatra’s ‘New York, New York’ only after wins Do women need more sleep at night than men?
Housing production has been relying on the same spatial configurations for almost a century, catering to a vision of domestic life that no longer constitutes the norm. The widespread housing shortage, the issue of affordability, the rise of single-person households, and an aging population prompt ...
TRANSATLANTIC ACTIVIST…A British Criminal Record Office mugshot of Kitty Marion, circa 1912; cover of Margaret Sanger’s Birth Control Review, November, 1923; Marion handing out copies of the Review on the streets of New York, 1915. (Wikipedia/Smith College/British Library) * * * Going Dee...
I have invited members of the New Philadelphia Schools Issue 8 Committee to tonight’s Council meeting to share information about the bond issue, which voters will decide on Election Day November 5th. In my mind, there is no question that New Philadelphia’s academic facilities are aging and ...
New G20 Chair Japan Wants Trade Imbalances, Aging Population on 2019 Agenda More Reuters Japanese Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Taro Aso looks on during Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and U.S. Vice President Mike Pence's joint news announcement in Abe’s official re...
Jennifer Unser is the Aging Services Program Coordinator for The New York State Office for Aging. “NORCs go back decades,” she says. “In the late 1980s a program was established at Penn South in Manhattan on its own, without state funding.” ...