Drums Along the Mohawkis Greg Ketcham's research on the Revolutionary War in the Mohawk Valley. A true labor of love. Hosted by New York History Net. Conferences & Meetings Conference on New York State History June 2013 2012 Program
New York History Review publishes vintage local sheet music, historic diaries, reprinted books of merit, Civil War, and regional local history books.
2.1 早期历史 | Early history Main article: History of New York City (prehistory–1664)【主要条目:纽约市历史(史前至1664年)】 在前殖民时期,纽约现今所在的地区为阿尔冈昆部落所居。勒纳佩人是其中的一支,他们居住在斯塔滕岛、长岛西部(包括现今的布鲁克林区和皇后区)、曼哈顿及下哈德逊河河谷(包括布朗克斯区...
The New York History for people interested in New York history and culture, NY images, stories, artwork, and more.
大类:Arts and Humanities 小类:History Q4 1492 / 1760 15% 名词解释: CiteScore:由Elsevier集团开发,类似影响因子用来评估杂志期刊学术影响力的一个指标。CiteScore采用了四年区间来计算每个期刊的学术引用。CiteScore拥有自带数据库Scopus,Scopus主要两个特点:一是免费面向所有人开放;二是采用透明的操作与计算,...
Access the most recent census population information for New York, New York, including a population profile and history.
History of New York City 纽约市历史 HistoryofNewYorkCity By:刘进 CONTENT BriefIntroduction NativeAmericansettlement EuropeansettlementModernhistory Overview 1NativeAmericansettlement 2Europeansettlement 2.1Britishandrevolution:1664–17832.2AmericanRevolution2.3FederalandearlyAmerica:1784–1854 3Modernhistory 3.1...
Bowery Boys New York City History Walking Tours brings the fun of the hit Bowery Boys Podcast into the streets. Join us, and get ready to walk through time.
of the millenial celebrations in 1999, this volume provides a history of New York emphasizing the tension between capitalism and multiculturalism as the central theme of the city's history and identity, as well as the tension of New York existing simultaneously as local community and global city....