Airbnb 自08年创立以来,每年的业绩都呈指数式增长。可以说,Airbnb成功打破了传统食宿行业的经营方式。现如今,由于人民生活水平的提高,各地的游客也越来越多,Airbnb不仅成为游客的首选,也成为了商业出行的首选,甚至也成全了那些手上有房,想躺着挣钱的人。 在纽约,Airbnb的发展如日中天,仅仅08年11月,就有52,000份...
Price Prediction for AirBnbs in New York Sayak Chakraborty | Samreen Zehra | Niharika Gupta | Rohit Thakur The Data was collected fromKaggle. In this project we present to you exploratory data analysis, visualizations and modelling of New York Airbnb data. Airbnb, an online marketplace...
Airbnb, Inc. is an American San Francisco-based company, which was founded in 2008. Airbnb originally known as, operates an online marketplace for short- and long-term home stays and experiences. This dataset describes the latest listing activity in New York City, New...
Explore and run machine learning code with Kaggle Notebooks | Using data from New York City Airbnb 2023, Public Data
Explore and run machine learning code with Kaggle Notebooks | Using data from New York Airbnb Open Data 2024
Full-Service Airbnb Property Management Company servicing the areas of Catskills and Hudson Valley | Manage This Home
While not backing down from a public fight with New York, Airbnb has also been trying to play down the impact of the city’s action on its business. A similar rule in San Francisco has been estimated to have reduced Airbnb’s listings by 50 per cent. However, Mr Lehane said that hea...
The Future of Airbnb in New YorkJennifer HabermanNicholas Malito
Holpuch, a
飞机降落在纽瓦克机场已经五点多,出发前就和airbnb上的房东通报了飞机行程和大概到达的时间。纽瓦克机场内部有airtrain,外面要做NJ transit才能到Path站,然后再做Path到房东家。在Path站由于车票问题错过了停在面前的车,后面一辆要等半个小时,遂马上发消息通知房东可能要晚一点到,结果房东说我就在附近来接你好了。