回到NCLEX-RN考试,很多人关注基础,外语的基础和临床工作医学知识。 就是我本人来说,专科院校毕业,英文没有考什么四级,临床工作15年,中级职称是2007年考的,然后本科是在职工作继续教育(不是脱产全日制),本科毕业2010年的时候考的学位英语还是刚刚过了及格线。参加工作后没有参加任何英语培训机构的学习,倒是利用业余时...
DiCarmel provides quality coaching for National Council Licensing Examination for registered nurses(NCLEX-RN) in the United States. Contact us for more details.
A second purpose was to develop a methodological framework for predicting success on the post1988 versions of the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN), that enhanced external validity, and generalizability. The best predictors of success for minority BSN nursing ...
从1994年4月起,NCLEX-RN(注册护士执照考试)从传统的纸笔方式转变为 电脑方式,称为ComputerizedAdaptiveTest,简称NCLEX-CAT.电脑考试与以 前传统纸笔方式基本相同,考生不须有电脑知识要求。 NCLEX-RN(注册护士执照考试)的考试内容是按照美国护校新毕业生应具有 ...
我要写书评 Springhouse Review for Nclex-Rn, Plus Nclex-Rn 250 New-Format Questions的书评 ··· ( 全部0 条 ) 论坛 ··· 在这本书的论坛里发言 + 加入购书单 谁读这本书? ··· 二手市场 ··· 在豆瓣转让 手里有一本闲着? 订阅关于Springhouse Review for Nclex-Rn, Plus Nclex...
NCLEX-RN(1) Thenurseiscompletingtheintake andoutputrecordforaclientwho hadanabdominalcholecystectomy 2daysago.Theclienthashadthe followingintakeandoutput duringtheshift. Intake 4ozoforangejuice ½servingofscrambled eggs 6ozofwater ½cupoffruit-flavored gelatin ...
Psychiatric nursing at risk: the new NCLEX-RN test plan. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing 17 (2), 47-49.Poster, E. C. (2004). Psychiatric Nursing at Risk: The New NCLEX-RN Test Plan. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing, 17(2), 47-48. Retrieved June...
This article describes the experience of adopting the NCLEX-RN as an entry-to-practice exam among francophone baccalaureate nursing students in New Brunswick, Canada. The journey between 2012 and now has been difficult, and nursing leadership was necessary to inform key stake...
This study examines the reasons for adopting the NCLEX-RN as the new licensing exam, how the NCLEX-RN is developed and the use of a computerized adaptive test to administer it. The results of Practice Analyses studies by NCSBN serves as the basis of the NCLEX-RN test plan. As a ...
Discusses the threat posed by the new National Council Licensure Exam for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN) Test Plan to psychiatric nursing as of April 2004. Decline in the number of psychosocial questions; Motivation behind the need to revise the passing standard; Estimate on the percentage of ...