record real estate documents such as the deed with the city, and record a mortgage with the city. The appropriate state form to file for a transfer of real property situated within the five boroughs of New York City isRP-5217-NYC. The five counties that make up the boroughs of NYC are:...
lndira Gandhi in a speech to the New York Economic Club on March 30. l a , s t a t d "[lndii) welcomes private invmt- ment not only for the capital it bring8 with it, but also for the transfer of modern technology and managerial skills private inveetment feeilitatea" Id. a t...
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polyacrylamide gel analysis. Cleaved bands (380 and 506 bp) were detected in homozygous mutant descendants (D1, D3, D5, D7 and E10 in bold). Homozygous wild type individuals DNA could not form mismatches, and consequently no mismatch cleaved bands were visualized (D6, E3, E5 and E8). ...