NEWYORKSTATE DEPARTMENTOFENVIRONMENTALCONSERVATION Region7 2014DeerHuntingForecast Deerhuntingprospectsforthe2014deer seasonsshouldbegoodthroughoutthe region.Buckharvestintheregionthisfallis expectedtobehigherthan2013.However, withdeerpopulationsinmanyWildlife ...
The worst month of all is November, which coincides with the peak of the deer mating season. Pair that with New York State reporting a skyrocketing deer population,which surpassed 1.2 million, this situation is only going to grow worse. Andrew Derminio Oneida and Onondaga County typically see ...
Regular Deer Season Opens Saturday! Are you Ready? Have Fun, Be Safe Byburmjohn, inNew York Hunting News,November 16, 2018 We are only a day away from the 2018 Regular Gun Season for the Southern Zone, the Northern Zone kicked off their Season a few weeks back. We want to wish every...
It turns out, the youth season was pretty successful last year in New York.The Department of Environmental Conservation indicatesthat in 2021-21 just over 1500 deer were taken by those aged 12-13. Deer Harvest Reports submitted by 12- and 13-year-old hunters2 1,564 ...
With September here, hunters across the Hudson Valley and New York State are ready to get out and about. The Department of Environmental Conservation has announced new rules for deer and bear hunting season in New York. DEC Commissioner Basil Seggos said in a statement "New York has a long...
This week, theNYS DEC postedmany things to social media that will be important this season for deer hunters. First and foremost is the need to stop the spread ofChronic Wasting Disease (CWD)in New York's deer population. The continued loss of deer in our area could severely affect the lo...
The final weekend of the firearms season for deer hunters in New York State is here and if you have not filled that tag yet, there is still some time and still plenty of deer in the woods. The deer hunting this season has been pretty decent by most reports. The weather has cooperated...
Is Spring the time that you might have a deer run out into the road and into your car? While it is not as likely as in the fall season of the year, deer are enjoying their own Spring fever, and all New York drivers need to be aware of them so you and your car stay safe. ...
Is Spring the time that you might have a deer run out into the road and into your car? While it is not as likely as in the fall season of the year, deer are enjoying their own Spring fever, and all New York drivers need to be aware of them so you and your car stay safe. ...