This is the New York page. New York is a city name used by many places from different states. You can find more information about each place below. The city name is designated by USPS, it could be a city, town,village school name, etc.
New York City Zip Code Table Learn the zip codes of the “Big Apple”. Download it today so you can better identify postal addresses. The table below includes all the zip codes in the New York City area. Zip CodeNameStatePopulationSquare Miles ...
new york 的zip code是纽约的邮政编码,new york翻译为纽约,Zip Code,这个是美国的邮政编码,美国目前只有邮政是国营的,其余的产业都不是国营的.今天给大家提供美国的Zip Code的原因是大家在注册国外的账号时,需要提供这个Zip Code,因为一般美国的服务默认是面向美国的,甚至是仅支持美国.以下提供一些美国...
List of ZIP Codes in New York ZIP CodeZIP Code City/TownZIP Code Type ZIP Code 10001 New York Standard ZIP Code 10002 New York Standard ZIP Code 10003 New York Standard ZIP Code 10004 New York Standard ZIP Code 10005 New York Standard ZIP Code 10006 New York Standard ZIP Code 10007 New...
Browse New York Cities By their first Letter ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Search for Zip Code by City Name Enter City Name: ex.Port Jefferson Search for City Name by Zip Code: Zip Code: ex.11727 To find a school in New York
This is the State New York ZIP Code page list. Its detail County is as below. State Country : United States State : New York New York Abbreviation : NY ‹ previous : New Mexico next › : North Carolina Click here to buy United States ZIP Code Database State - County ...
New York is a major state for U.S. postal assuring. It has about 1,290 ZIP codes and additional guidance below to help you find what you are trying to find in NY. Given below is a list of zip codes for New York State. RELATED: Complete List Of All Canada Postal Codes [Canada Zi...
City Zip Code Maps of New York - Select Your City: Select one from the drop down menu - OR - Click on your city A Albany B Binghamton Brentwood Buffalo C Cheektowaga G Greece H Hempstead I Irondequoit L Levittown M Mount Vernon N New Rochelle New York New York 5 Boroughs Niagara ...
new york 的zip code是美国纽约的邮政编码。new york翻译为纽约,Zip Code是美国邮政服务 (United States Postal Service, USPS)使用的一种邮区编号,一般常以大楷写作ZIP。ZIP是Zone Improvement Plan (地区改进计划)的简称,它暗示邮件可以以更有效率及快捷地送到目的地。最基本的ZIP编号包括五个号码...
(212/646/917) 10025 New York (212/646/917) 10025 Nyc (212/646/917) 10026 Morningside (212/646/917) 10026 New York (212/646/917) 10026 Nyc (212/646/917) 10027 Manhattan (212/646/917) 10027 Manhattanville (212/646/917) 10027 New York (212/646/917) 10027 New York City (212/...